Some context.

I wrote what I wrote in response to all those feminists who, during the Full Frontal Feminism blow up, kept insisting over and over again that if “WOC” want book deals, they should “go get it them themselves.” That publishers weren’t skimming through the blogosphere looking for just anybody who’s a good writer. That you had to work for a book deal—you had to fight for it, show a little initiative, stop complaining, just do it. JUST. DO. IT.

As if there were no such thing as racism—as if there was no such thing as racism that is alive and well and present in the most cellular of spaces. As if simply opening a proposal and viewing the odd name at the top of the proposal doesn’t influence how the person reading that name will understand the rest of the proposal.

I wrote what I wrote to all those people, to all those feminists, who insist that short of refusing publication (and what good is that?) there is little to nothing feminists can do to stand in solidarity with other feminists who are not as privileged as they are.

I wrote what I wrote to say that there either is a feminist movement or there isn’t—and if feminists can’t even be called on to point to the work that other feminists are doing—if simply pointing to a whole sphere of pro-immigration bloggers (because, to be clear, I stated pro-immigration bloggers and men and women bloggers of color NOT brownfemipower) who have been blogging incessantly about this is too much work for feminism—well, then there’s no fucking feminist movement.

That if dabbling into and getting to know an actual community working in a certain way is too much work for feminism, then there is no fucking feminist movement.

That is what I said.

What I did NOT say:

I never said that I own the idea that gendered violence is the way to understand immigration.

I never said that I want credit for coming up with the idea that gendered violence is the way to understand immigration.

I never said that I came up with the idea myself.

I never said that it’s important to recognize that I had the idea first. I don’t give a shit who came up with the idea first—even if it WAS me. I don’t give a shit who thought of what first. I don’t fucking want credit for anything outside of existing. (For those who care, what I really said: There’s a lot of women of color (and men of color!) who have talked about immigration. There’s a lot of women of color and men of color who have examined how sexualized violence has been the foremost result of the “strengthening” of borders. There’s been a lot of us who have insisted for a long time now that immigration is a feminist issue, goddamn it, get your head out of your ass.

I even wrote a whole speech about it (link not available–BUT for those who DID see the speech, do you happen to recall that long list of LINKED work at the beginning of the speech?).

Which is why it was startling to read a recent article about how sexualized violence against immigrant women is directly linked to using dehumanizing terminology like “illegal alien” without one attribute to any blogger of color, male or female, in the entire essay. There is even an earnest declaration about how paperwork is the true problem of immigration (bureaucracy of paperwork anybody?) coupled with a declaration that immigration is a feminist issue.

I do not accept that the author of this article made a mistake in not publishing any links to the work already being done by pro-immigration bloggers, nor do I accept that the author came up with these ideas all on her own.)

I did not name X because although I was pissed off, I did not want a discussion about “what is stopping feminists from coming together as feminists” (aka movement making) to be turned into “bfp hates X and bfp is ugly and fat and bfp is jealous and bfp should shut up and get her own fucking book deal and bfp is trying to patent the fucking idea that hyper militarization of borders=sexualized violence against women.”

This was NEVER ABOUT FUCKING BROWNFEMIPOWER except in the sense that I BELONG to immigrant communities and I BELONG to pro-immigration blogger community and I BELONG to the women of color community and I THOUGHT I belonged to a feminist community.

This was about women of color constantly being written out of feminism, being written out of our own communities BY feminism—then being beaten up by feminists with JUST DO IT, JUST DO IT, JUST FUCKING DO IT YOU LAZY SPICS.

(I want to pause here to note three things: 1. Do you realize how fucked up it is that for some reason it is “wrong” for a woman of color to want the same advantages that white women get for doing the same work? 2. Do you realize how much it sucks (worst thing possible) that I have written about media justice for two fucking years and there is STILL a whole group of assholes who claim to have been regular readers and can somehow manage to say with a straight face that I want to “own” ideas and/or steal ideas from others? and 3. Do you realize how much it sucks (worst thing possible) that even when I do my best to state my anger WITH THE FULL RECOGNITION that what I am saying may hurt somebody and thus ACTIVELY work to PROTECT that person while still expressing my anger–I am STILL berated for being angry, mean, judgemental, too harsh–and furthermore–I should EXPECT the attacks that I get? Do you recognize the problems with telling a woman of color that she can not even show anger at *anonymous*?)

To move on–In my post I wrote the following analogy:

It would be like Jung learning everything he learned from Frued, opening a school in which he teaches all of Frueds theories, and then refusing to attribute anything he teaches to Frued, refusing Frued a job even though Frued can not find a job any place else, denying all of Frued’s students entrance into his school–and then keeping all the millions of dollars he makes off of using Frued’s excellent ideas to himself.

Now, people have chosen to focus on the end point_-“keeping all the millions of dollars he makes off of using Freud’s excellent ideas to himself.” People have chosen to say that THIS is what I must have been most concerned about. That I want the millions of dollars myself. That I am Freud and I own psychoanalysis. I can understand why people would think that—(no, wait a minute, I can’t, because anybody who is a regular fucking reader should know better, especially given my continuous “Move outside the master’s house” posts that I’ve done) but I will give that it is what we are trained to think of as the most important thing in this world. And I was not around to clarify what I meant.

But, just as with black amazon and her fateful “fuck seal press” comment—it’s interesting that I wrote a whole post in which I clearly stated:

1. there are clear racialized reasons why women of color are never and will never be the sought after by big companies, named as the leader of feminist movements, asked for interviews etc

2. that white feminists bear a responsibility (that they are NOT accepting and in fact are actively rejecting) to negotiate power and create spaces (while working alongside or a step behind marginalized communities) in which power is de-centralized

3. As a result I do NOT consider myself to be a part of any fucking “feminist movement” because to me, feminism requires diversity (We have a responsibility (especially in the undergraduate years) to demonstrate to ALL students, no matter what their identity is, how to interact with the critical thinking of people who think differently than they do. To bring this a step further, however, feminist academics who are actively aware of how power plays out in very negative ways in the classroom, have a very specific responsibility to those students who have little to no power. The very basis of feminist scholarship/academic training is to dismantle and/or redistribute the power structure within a classroom and the academy. Women’s studies is nothing more than an articulation of this demand–women WILL be studied. Men will NOT be the focus of all academic work. Thus, women’s studies professors (and all other ethnic studies, disability studies etc depts) have built the commitment to diversity within a classroom into their very existence–so I feel no qualms at all about insisting that women’s studies professors (and instructors, lecturers, adjuncts etc) are *required* to show diversity within the classroom through the texts that they teach.)

And even though I wrote this whole post about those three points–the only thing people heard was “She thinks she’s Freud and she wants money/power/recognition.”

No, actually, I know I’m brownfemipower and I want to end violence against women. And I wanted to do that with all the women who keep insisting to me that we are all in this together and we have common problems that we have to work against and we’re all sisters, and there is such thing as a commonality of experience between us all—as I said in my original post—I thought feminism was important because it brought women together (I had thought at one time that feminism was about justice for women. I had thought it was about centering the needs of women, and creating action in the name of, by and for women. I had thought that feminism has its problems but it’s worth fighting for, worth sacrificing and sweating and crying and breaking down for.)

But how can it have “brought us together” when my implicit goal in feminist centered media justice is to write erased communities into existence—and the result of the work of the ‘sister’ down the street is the erasure of the same communities I’m working to write into existence? (And no, I do NOT accept that I or any other fucking Latina out there should just be “grateful” that our work is being talked about while we remain hidden in the shadows. Even now, as a person who explicitly rejects feminism, I KNOW that Latinas have the right to demand that the work we do not be hidden in some dark silent space that nobody talks about and everybody avoids even as everybody else eats all the fruit that we pick. Yes, even Latina writers have the right to fucking unionize and come into the light.)

There is no “feminist movement” because the work being done is not just conflicting with the work of other “sisters”—it’s directly negating it.

For me, this shit has all been about community. I did not expressly state this in my original post. I was angry enough at the time that I really didn’t flesh out my ideas fully. Having since had the time to think things through more carefully and surf around several of the blogs that are talking about this—part of what I was trying to say was that feminists have a choice in deciding what community they belong to. And they are implicitly choosing to stay away from and otherwise distance themselves from communities that make them uncomfortable or worried for any reason. This has consequences for the communities that they refuse to work with. Most importantly, it has consequences because WOMEN belong to those communities that they refuse to work with.

A former commentor on my blog that I used to really respect (labyrus) made several comments over at Hugo’s about how I am really stealing all my ideas from the anarchists and the indy media makers out there. That he doesn’t think that “WOC” have the right to decide for the rest of the blogosphere what is “stealing” and what isn’t. These are not uncommon sentiments. I’ve seen the same sentiment coming from a lot of people I thought would at least ask me what I meant.

The fallacy in Labyrus’ (and other people who support and agree with Labyrus) argument is the unstated idea that my connection to the indy media making community is in any way similar to X’s connection to pro-immigrant bloggers or women and men of color bloggers.

I work with the Allied Media Conference—the largest gathering of indy media makers in the U.S. If Labyrus had paid any attention to my blogging, he would know that I actually do most of my organizing with the AMC these days not Incite!. As a result, I constantly linked to Indy Media makers throughout the world, have a working relationship with several indy media makers offline, always pushed work coming out of indy outlets about any major happening in protest/resistance making before going to mainstream sources, listed “alternative news sources” in my blogroll, promoted indy media events like the AMC before I was even a part of it, and have actively worked to intermingle my idea of “media justice” as I understand it (which was heavily informed by the theories of Andrea Smith—as I stated NUMEROUS times on my blog) with “media justice” as indy media makers understand it. An example—when I was blogging heavily about Oaxaca—I rarely, if ever, had extended commentary of my own about any of the events. I spent most of my time scouring indy media sources for links to articles and pictures. Narco News and El Enimigo Comun being the two biggest sources for information.

And finally—when I came back from WAM—the first post I wrote ended with a grateful thank you to Indy Media folks that I organize the AMC with and who were instrumental in recruiting me to their ranks. Oh, and look it that—I even went over to the AMC website and wrote a post over there thanking them for creating the space that they created.

I have chosen to be a part of the indy media community. I have chosen to say—I will settle my organizing roots in this community because for whatever problems it has, it is a community that I believe in and that I think has the answers. And because I am a part of the indy media community, I am aware of the way power works for and against indy media makers and I am constantly on the look out within my own media making for ways to negotiate the power that works against and attacks indy media makers. By way of example, I spent a lot of time blogging about how indy media makers in Mexico were and continue to be violently attacked by the Mexican government. A large part of the reason I refuse “media reform” is because I see the extreme violence indy media makers are dealing with simply because media reformists refuse to make mainstream media accountable to the people rather than the governments and corporations they serve. And while I personally refuse media reform—I also don’t necessarily think it is all or nothing—I have given props to “indy media makers” working within mainstream news (such as Seymour Hersch and others). I see what they are doing and think they aren’t actively working against indy media makers, even if they are “mainstream’. To me–that’s what a “movement” is–it’s agreeing on a common goal and working together towards that goal. It’s agreeing that if you choose NOT to be a part of common goal making that you do not actively work *against* that goal.

The thing is—I thought that those who were a part of a “feminist community” were held to the same sort of standards. That when a woman of color says that she will not be published thus the white women who are published need to spend more time than they feel comfortable talking about the needs of women of color—THEY WOULD DO IT. That they would say “It’s the least I can do” or “What else can I do” rather than JUST DO IT, JUST DO IT. Because we are all in a community together and we all are working to create something that challenges and dismantles gendered violence and inequality, right? And if it takes writing a book that does not assume all women are staying away from feminism because they are white and privileged and just don’t get it—well, ending gendered violence and inequality is worth it, right? Working together towards a common goal, right?

It just took reading Hugo’s response for me to realize that I was fucked up wrong. That feminism’s goals and my goals are completly and totally opposite of each other. That in feminism’s eyes “dismantling” gendered violence= “shifting” gendered violence.

How else can you explain, “You better prove it” “What am I supposed to do, silence myself?””She thinks she’s Freud” and “She just wants the million dollars without actually working for it.”


And when “it” (as in, the ‘movement’) all boils down to Just Do It—what other choice do women of color have but to say, fuck it—this is no longer about a “movement” but about making sure that you don’t ever fucking steal my shit ever again?

I support and honor the several women of color who’ve posted that the answer is not to leave, but to fight harder, with lawyers if necessary. I support and honor those women because they are fighting, they refuse to back down, they are organizing, they are sharing their strategies of not backing down with other black women and women of color alike.

But for me—a person who believes in media justice–the point was never to say I own this fucking material—but to say we must build a movement because the only way I and my community will ever have peace is if there is a movement. Those women of color who say they will not back down because they own the material—they are building a movement, just in a way that is different than I what I am doing. It may be different, but it’s not directly conflicting with what I am doing. And if they choose to call themselves feminists–well, I have a mouth and eyes that I can use to find out what they mean.

“Feminists,” on the other hand, are not movement building, they are actively destroying women and blaming those women for the destruction. They are saying the point of feminism is “equality with men” without even thinking to acknowledge that “equality with women” is just as admirable of a goal and maybe even possibly the first step to achieving the goal of equality with men. They are saying, Just do it, just do it, JUST FUCKING DO IT.

And so I withdraw myself from this “movement”.

And I reject and rebel at the label “feminist.”

I reject and rebel at the label “feminist” because I reject and rebel against silence and erasure.

I purposefully and deliberately burn all bridges to all people/movements with the purposeful and deliberate awareness that I will build bridges again, but ONLY WITH a person/movement and only if those bridges require no body parts to build.

And I do so without rejecting the absolute necessity of a gendered analysis of media justice, violence against and within communities of color, etc. Because if you think I haven’t noticed the gendered dynamics written all over this fucking blow up, you’d be 100% wrong.

One last note—to all those who are concerned that I’m just “giving up.”

I appreciate the sentiment. It’s one that I struggle with. I don’t want to just give up, I don’t want to “let them win.”

But at the same time, my goal has never been to “not let them win.” My goal has been to end violence against women of color. And while I think that erasing an entire community through words is violence—at the same time, I personally don’t think that making a battle about me and X and winning is the route I want to take to achieve my goal. I want to do something different—but I need time to think about what it is that I want to do. And I want to think about it from a position of health and strength—but let’s be real. Sifting through comment after comment and post after post about how I obviously think I’m Sigmund fucking Frued does not promote health and strength and clarity. It does nothing for me but waste time and energy and personal resources.

Furthermore, I can not relax and contemplate while I worry about how my own words are being used to destroy me in the blogosphere (yes, I noticed all the little rodents sniffing around my archives looking for evidence that I am a plagiarizing bitch that is just out to get white women).

Trust me when I say that I have treated my archives gently and with the respect they deserve.

I realize now that “feminism” and I stand in direct opposition to each other—that the feminists who aren’t actively working against me and my community are, like Seymour Hersch, few and far between.

This has caused a radical shifting in my thinking. A shifting that I have no desire to work through online—but that I need to think through before I can act. I am not giving up. I am just thinking. And resting. And reading my beloved books and soaking my tired dogs.

Cuz giiirls, my dogs are TIRED.

As I said in my last post—I will find you, and you will find me.

there is life here. anyone reading this is breathing, maybe hurting,
but breathing for sure. and if there is any light to come, it will
shine from the eyes of those who look for peace and justice after the
rubble and rhetoric are cleared and the phoenix has risen.

affirm life.
affirm life.
we got to carry each other now.
you are either with life, or against it.
affirm life.


ETA: I just want to say that it’s been made clear to me that in using the term “woman of color” or “women of color” to describe my experiences I am silencing and talking over other women’s experiences, namly other women of color who have no problems with the feminist movement as it stands.
I do NOT take back what I said about the feminist movement explicitly rejecting an anti-racist agenda. But I do profoundly regret that in saying “woman of color” and/or “women of color” I contributed to the silencing of women of color within mainstream feminist movements and the work that they are doing within that movement. I am very sorry to those women who have expressed this idea and please know that I am also thinking about your words as I consider what my future holds.

248 Responses to “”

  1. La Lubu Says:

    Thank you, brownfemipower. I wish you health, peace, strength, clarity, resolve, and resilience. Be well. Enjoy your life, your family, and your work. I’ve been hanging on to those last words you sent out—“I will find you, and you will find me.” I have no doubt about that.


  2. bfp Says:

    Girl, you got here FAST!!!!!


    I now know your powerful radar beams will, indeed, find me whenever I need to be found!!!!

    much love back at you,

  3. Blackamazon Says:

    I love you I love you I Love you llove love you

  4. Sudy Says:

    TNT had another Lord of the Rings marathon!

    You know what I was thinking…

    En lucha.

  5. La Lubu Says:

    hee hee. Wolves always find the path….and the night belongs to the wolf! (La notti e di lu lupu).

  6. profbwoman Says:

    it is these moments that give me shame for all the students of color I have recruited into WS and all of the times I have said it has to get better. Unlike you, I still doggedly believe in feminism b/c the kind I and my colleagues, students, and friends, practice is decolonized but these moments . . . these are the reason why so many of us keep walking away. My thoughts and support are with you.

  7. piratequeen Says:

    bfp, i have learned much from you, and from all the folks you linked to. thank you for that, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  8. thebewilderness Says:

    Thank you for all that you have done, and all that you will do, for all of us.

  9. coathangrrr Says:

    Thank you for all your wonderful writing.

  10. Sin Vergüenza Says:

    ah— AIR.
    gracias mujer….

    Do you remember that final scene in Pump Up The Volume– after Christian Slater/Harry Hard-On is arrested and his pirate radio show is yanked off of the air by the evil FCC? …and then a hundred kids start THEIR OWN stations in protest?

    This escandalo has driven me to blogging. What’s more, I’ve been asking every woman of color I know to join me. One day our voices will drown out the ones that would like us to “behave” and “be quiet.” One day soon….

    te mando abrazos.

    P.S. I emailed you the info for the Anzaldúa award– please make sure you apply.

  11. ilyka Says:

    It does nothing for me but waste time and energy and personal resources.

    And let’s face it: That’s valuable time that you could be spending reading a book while you soak your feet.

    I kid–I know you do far more with your time and your energy than that, so much more it makes me dizzy just thinking about it. But permit me to hope that there’s some book-reading and foot-soaking in your life too, because [guilt-inducing mama mode]I just want you to be happy and healthy! Is that so wrong![/guilt-inducing mama mode].

    I’m going to follow La Lubu around the internet if that’s what it takes to find you again. Be well, BFP. Thank you for everything you have shared. Ud. trae la lucha siempre.

  12. kbw Says:

    thank you and looking forward to learning, reading y being inspired by you in the future. take good care y renew.

  13. Rainbow Girl Says:

    I’m sorry, BFP. This whole thing makes me really sad. I don’t know if you’ve read my post in honour of you, but if not, thanks for everything and best wishes for your writing, activism, and for your life.

  14. Sara Diaz Says:

    I am a PhD student and woc in a women studies department. I just recently discovered the woc blogosphere and have been lurking for a while. Your blog was one of my favorites! I’m sad to see you go, but I understand … I will miss your insights. Take care, Sara

  15. nell Says:

    Be well and rest. I look forward to the days when I will be able to read more of your work and your thinking.

  16. Anxious Black Woman Says:

    Much respect! I salute you in deciding how to pick your battles. Absolutely wonderfully written and very heartfelt, this post.

  17. belledame222 Says:

    >>Do you realize how much it sucks big fat hairy dog cock that I have written about media justice for two fucking years and there is STILL a whole group of assholes who claim to have been regular readers and can somehow manage to say with a straight face that I want to “own” ideas and/or steal ideas from others? and 3. Do you realize how much it sucks big fat hairy dog ASSHOLE that even when I do my best to state my anger WITH THE FULL RECOGNITION that what I am saying may hurt somebody and thus ACTIVELY work to PROTECT that person while still expressing my anger–I am STILL berated for being angry, mean, judgemental, too harsh–and furthermore–I should EXPECT the attacks that I get? Do you recognize the problems with telling a woman of color that she can not even show anger at *anonymous*?>>

    Yepper, sure do.

    rage on, bfp.

  18. profacero Says:

    Muy bien. As I’ve said elsewhere: I dumped academic feminism in the mid 90s because it was getting more and more racist, not less – at least in the places I was leading my daily life. Where I am now, even *men* call the women’s studies people “fireside feminists.” And I’m *anglo* and it’s hard to take, I can only begin to imagine what it would be listening to these people and being one of the “they/them” they talk about. Dios me guarde. They can have their fun pero conmigo no.

  19. Ravenmn Says:

    I am so damned impressed. I am excited to learn what comes next. Let me know if I can contribute. If not, be assured that I am sending you strength and love.

  20. From BrownFemiPower: « A Book Without A Cover Says:

    […] Continue reading […]

  21. Jeremy Young Says:

    Hugo got de-blogrolled from this privileged white man’s website for that post. He wants to silence others, I see no reason to give him airtime.

    Beyond that, I’m just very sorry this has happened. I wish there was more I could do.

    Wherever you go after this, take care of yourself.

  22. kiita Says:

    Thank you for writing and sharing this. It’s not often I read something so, so, so satisfying. The rage and love and affirmation, all together, are powerful.

  23. plainsfeminist Says:

    I’m so glad to see your writing and to know that you’re ok and that you are doing the work you do so well.

    How else can you explain, “You better prove it” “What am I supposed to do, silence myself?””She thinks she’s Freud” and “She just wants the million dollars without actually working for it.”

    I respect your feelings about this. My personal explanation would be that Hugo and the others are not feminists, that they have no idea what feminism is. But maybe I’m still just hanging onto an illusion.

    In any case – what La Lubu said (she said it so well!). And I hope this means you’ll keep posting from time to time.

    Much love,

  24. bfp Says:

    you know, PF–I thought after I wrote that and posted it that hm. There will be women who will rightfully point out that 1. hugo and Labyrus are men and thus to represent feminism as if it were only about their opinions is quite problematic and/or 2. that because hugo and labyrus are men, they are not feminists.

    I hear you and any other woman who makes that critique of me. I hear that critique and think it’s a fair critique and acknowledge that it’s a problem that if it were any other time I would give a fair amount of attention and thought to.

    But it’s the time it is, so I will simply say that any woman who thinks that equating two men with feminism is wrong–you have a point.

    In regards to the other idea that you could be talking about–that there are “feminists’ and then there are *feminists* and “we” (whoever that may be) can’t “give them feminism”….well–I disagree–but I just wrote a whole post with about why I disagree so no need to say it all again!!! 🙂

    seriously–much love back at you.

  25. bfp Says:

    I don’t know if you’ve read my post in honour of you

    I did, rainbow–suggested to me by mag’s. tears and hugs and love to you–and OH that we could all be princesses AND gypsies at the same time.


  26. bfp Says:

    You know what I was thinking…


  27. BFP’s words at Hoyden About Town Says:

    […] Read this. Read it, listen to it, hear it, believe it, act on it. […]

  28. Darkrose Says:

    I’m glad you’re mostly okay, and still writing. While your words will be missed, I don’t blame you one tiny little bit for walking away from the bullshit. For what it’s worth, you’ve made a real difference to this lurker. Thank you for everything.

  29. bfp Says:

    these are the reason why so many of us keep walking away. My thoughts and support are with you.

    but conversely, there are so many reasons why so many of us stay in spite of all of us who leave and all of those who refuse to leave…that means that there has to be something good there. Which is hopeful in spite of all the bullshit. My thoughts and support are with you too–much much much respect.xo

  30. plainsfeminist Says:

    Actually, I didn’t think they couldn’t be feminists b/c they were men – I was thinking more that they couldn’t be feminists because they thought feminism was only about white people’s gender issues. But yeah, that pretty much gets into the whole, ‘feminists’ v. *feminists*.

    I wasn’t intending to critique your position, btw – I find it pretty compelling, actually, and I’m torn.

  31. bfp Says:

    This escandalo has driven me to blogging…

    I love you so much right now.

  32. bfp Says:

    But permit me to hope that there’s some book-reading and foot-soaking in your life too,

    right back atcha. xo

  33. bfp Says:

    ok, I’ve already spent more time that I allowed myself online. I want everybody to know, I just finished a lovely conversation with a woman who I am planning a magnificent project with–and I feel hopeful and blessed to know a person who I can *create* with.

    That is my wish for ALL of you who have offered such kind words to me. that there is somebody out there who you can create with, that you can build with and that you can love with.

  34. A few words from Bfp « Natalia Antonova Says:

    […] A few words from Bfp Jump to Comments Can be found here. […]

  35. bfp Says:

    btw–I’m serious when I said that I’m only allowing myself a certain amount of time online–if yo upost a comment and it doesn’t get approved, please know that it’s not that I don’t approve of/agree with/or otherwise don’t appreciate the comment–just that I’m busy trying to save the world by soaking my feet!

    I deeply appreciate the support and respect.


  36. Liss Says:

    Another life-altered lurker here. Thank you so much for all your work. I hope I’ll get to read you again someday.

  37. WildlyParenthetical Says:

    It’s a sad, sad loss to the feminist blogosphere and feminism as a whole, to see you and your wonderful blog disappear, bfp. I understand and respect your decision, even as it kinda breaks my heart that the effect of you and yours (community, I mean…) being disappeared by X (and others) is that you do, actually, disappear. I know that I rarely commented, but I read and learnt and shared in your thoughts; you have taught me so much. But I hope that the nomadic promise of finding each other plays out—and that the future it brings is one in which feminism, which still has my fractured, fragmented, sorely-tried, half-hearted and oft-traitorous loyalty, actually does find ways to honour the astonishing generosity of all those often-forgotten others you discuss above… and you own, of course!

    As for the shaping of undergraduate minds—I try, I try!

    All the strength and joy in the world to you in your future endeavours; including the soaking of the feet to save the world, which honestly sounds like the best world-saving plan evah!

  38. Real Life is Messy and Beautiful « Off Our Pedestals Says:

    […] April 16, 2008 This makes me overjoyed, excited, inspired, furious, and melancholy all at once. […]

  39. mattilda bernstein sycamore Says:

    Thank you for this layered analysis and bravery.

  40. Jo Tamar Says:

    Hi bfp

    I’ve been lurking on your blog (and others) for a long time, reading and listening and learning. I want to thank you for having a blog which allowed me to learn, I feel very privileged to have been able to lurk like that. If it helps to know that you’ve inspired someone you don’t know at all, well: you have. Thank you.

    I wish you so much … strength, I think, is the best word (but words are inadequate). I wish you strength in your process of world-saving.


  41. badmathematics Says:

    Much love, peace and respect to you. Good to read your words again.
    Thank you.

  42. deviousdiva Says:

    Damn! Sorry BFP I forgot to log out again ! Can you assign the bad mathematics comment (my band) to me ? Thanks.

    Must stop doing that.

  43. Mina Says:

    brownfemipower wrote: “That if dabbling into and getting to know an actual community working in a certain way is too much work for feminism”

    It’s not too much work for feminism at all! Not even if some jerks in some of the feminist movements think it is.

    brownfemipower wrote: “Which is why it was startling to read a recent article about how sexualized violence against immigrant women is directly linked to using dehumanizing terminology like ‘illegal alien’ without one attribute to any blogger of color…”

    Nor attribution to anyone of color who’s been discussing this somewhere else instead of in blogs.

    brownfemipower wrote: “There is no ‘feminist movement’ because the work being done is not just conflicting with the work of other ‘sisters’—it’s directly negating it.”

    Doesn’t that really mean there’s more than one feminist movement? It seems that feminism just means being pro-women, and that one can’t be pro-women without being feminist even while some other pro-women faction totally disagrees with her or him.

    Personally, I don’t want to be discriminated against for being Iranian-American and I won’t let some other feminist who’s anti-Iranian stop me from not wanting to be discriminated against for being female either! 😉

    brownfemipower wrote: “I realize now that ‘feminism’ and I stand in direct opposition to each other—that the feminists who aren’t actively working against me and my community are, like Seymour Hersch, few and far between.”

    I’m now reminded of Shirin Ebadi, Fauzia Kofi, Hanufa Mah, Nojoud Muhammed Nasser, Bibiana Aido, and all the other people in the world (not just famous ones!) who stand up for women’s rights and girls’ rights (thus being feminists!) without actively opposing you and your community. How few and far between are they? Are the ones who don’t know who you are and kinda ignore your community part of the problem too (I can see how they are, I can see how they aren’t)? Also, how nitpicky am I?

    profbwoman wrote: “Unlike you, I still doggedly believe in feminism b/c the kind I and my colleagues, students, and friends, practice is decolonized but these moments . . .”

    I think that practice is the best kind of feminism! Too bad I didn’t know about it when I became feminist. :/ Then again, I was around 6 when I became feminist, did “women, including Mom, can do anything” when my mother’s an immigrant count?

    Sin Vergüenza wrote: “Do you remember that final scene in Pump Up The Volume– after Christian Slater/Harry Hard-On is arrested and his pirate radio show is yanked off of the air by the evil FCC? …and then a hundred kids start THEIR OWN stations in protest?”

    Sounds cool, I should see that movie. 🙂

    Sin Vergüenza wrote: “This escandalo has driven me to blogging. What’s more, I’ve been asking every woman of color I know to join me. One day our voices will drown out the ones that would like us to ‘behave’ and ‘be quiet.’ One day soon….”

    I can’t wait! 🙂

    brownfemipower wrote: “ok, I’ve already spent more time that I allowed myself online. I want everybody to know, I just finished a lovely conversation with a woman who I am planning a magnificent project with–and I feel hopeful and blessed to know a person who I can *create* with.”

    Sounds awesome! 🙂

  44. Zenobia Says:

    A couple of things:

    When I discussed what happened this last week with some friends, some of the comments that came up were ‘I’m gutted, she’s worth 30 Xs’ and ‘You just know if she did have a book deal the book would be really amazing’.

    Personally, I haven’t been reading you for very long, but I always learned something new whenever I did, and whatever wasn’t new to me in your posts I was always incredibly grateful to see expressed so well.

    In fact, I’m very grateful to be able to read your words, full stop.

    And yes, I think what feminists should be asking isn’t ‘how can we placate the women of colour while not looking like racists’, but ‘what else can we do?’. I think not explicitly rejecting racism is exactly the same as explicitly embracing racism, and what’s meant by ‘It’s all about equality’ is ‘Don’t question my privilege’, possibly even ‘must ensure at all costs that daddy’s money stays in the family’.

    Anyway, enough of me rambling on, and all the best in your future projects.

  45. Katie Says:

    I’m so glad to read your words again and know you’re taking some strength and newfound clarity from this, even though it’s hard-won… I am thinking of you and wishing you SO well….

  46. Renegade Evolution Says:

    Frodo found a way.

  47. Kai Says:

    As always, BFP, your writing is wonderfully clarifying, impassioned, heartfelt, illuminating, provocative…pushing forward ideas and movements that need a push. Thank you for this, and for everything else too! As you’ve clearly seen, your blog going blank has turned out to be the loudest silence the bloghood has ever heard. Personally I think your rationale is, and has always been, perfectly sane and tightly knit and altogether compelling and reasonable. And as you know, or should, lots of us will have your back no matter what movements you choose to explicitly identify with. So soak them feet, sister! See you round the barricades.


  48. Final words from Brownfemipower « The Scary Door Says:

    […] April 17, 2008 at 11:57 am · Filed under feminism (Hat tip to Sudy) Some context. […]

  49. BFP Final. « Problem Chylde: Nerdy but Mighty (and Still Learning) Says:

    […] 17, 2008 Read it here. Her position can’t be any […]

  50. Maegan la Mala Says:

    Mira I am so happy for your writing this, especially the part that this is not just about you. I was really bothered by this whole martyrization process that happened along with all the other bullshit, the whole cult of personality , which to me rang of a whole ‘nother level of the commodification of woc voices.

    oh and I’m going to AMC and am beside myself with the idea of meeting you and so many other mujeres here.

    It’s about damn time

  51. octogalore Says:

    BFP — much love.

    As you know, I do believe in the concept, but I totally understand your frustration as to how it’s played out by a number of folks in the current limelight.

    I could not agree more with: “I KNOW that Latinas have the right to demand that the work we do not be hidden in some dark silent space that nobody talks about and everybody avoids even as everybody else eats all the fruit that we pick.”

    I’m excited that you are working on a new project and hope we will get a chance to hear about it.

  52. It’s about equality - so stop rocking the boat, scum « The Scary Door Says:

    […] with the ‘Do it yourself you filthy Spic’ sentiments that Brownfemipower was describing in the post I linked to earlier). In other words, a feminist is a woman who is successful within patriarchal […]

  53. kactus Says:

    coming out of my long silence to say yes sweetheart.

    This is why my lips are sealed and my hands are still. It will not and does not change and I don’t have the strength to fight anymore.

    Rest those dogs, girl. Fight when you can. It will–maybe–be greater later.

  54. Lucy Says:

    I only recently discovered your blog (still pretty new and sequestered in my corner of the ‘net on LJ), and I just want to say a belated thank-you for your words. I found so much in just one post of yours (Climbing the Mountain) that landed deep in my being. Thank you for the work you’ve done on the net and continue to do in the 3D world. I look forward to running into you someday, online or off.

  55. Theriomorph Says:

    bfp, a little letter since I don’t have your email: I’m going to miss your blog, and/but, I know with absolute certainty that what you will do in the world will matter more, and in more lasting ways, than the bullshit power and status struggles with these lying, posturing, brawling fuckers online.

    And you know, if I can wangle some opportunities for it, it’s going to be YOU I call to come be a guest lecturer in my classes, to write essays for collections about busting the bullshit and doing it beautiful and strong, because you know, not only are you a better writer, you’re a better thinker and human being than these self-proclaimed faces of feminism online with their unending dishonesty.

    I’m still so angry. And so sick of hearing people say ‘it’s just another blogwar, it doesn’t matter.’ What matters more?

    But the point is, thank you for (again) taking the time to give to the community by way of this post (when again, you’d be perfectly justified in just quietly going where the love is, and while there are a lot of us who do love your work, the blogosphere has not been good to you overall), for the work you’ve done, and for the work you will do.

    You’ve brought fierce intellect, courageous transparency, and warrior spirit balanced by visibly invested love to your writing online, and it’s mattered to me.

    Please keep in touch.

    love, T

  56. Rachel Says:

    I can’t express how much your writing has affected me, challenged me, inspired me. Thank you for your words, your voice, for baring your soul and your heart so beautifully. Please know that you are deeply missed.

    mmmmm foot-soaking. Sounds delightful.

  57. unusualmusic Says:

    I am really sorry this happened, good luck!

  58. L.M. Says:

    Never a regular reader, but I’m really sorry about the online ugliness, and even sorrier if I’m one of the women of color feminists who made things worse for you.
    It’s incredibly frustrating when self-proclaimed “allies” go around gleefully attacking or willfully ignoring the same people that they profess to support and *not getting* what they’re doing, isn’t it.
    Best wishes for the times ahead! Foot-soaking and book-reading sound lovely for the near future, hope you’re feeling better soon.
    (sorry if this is a stupid comment)

  59. Lady J Says:


    I don’t feel silenced by you because you reject the term feminist. I’m a Black lesbian feminist thus I stand in direct oppotsition to a large part of the mainstream movement. But I’m not going to hold you hostage to a name and label that doesn’t describe where you are now.

    Your rejection of the label doesn’t mean that you and I (and others) can’t work together. At least to me it just means you’re in a different place.

    You, as a thinking, feeling, intelligent woman have the right to decide how you’ll be named and how you identify. That is your right.

    Do what you’ve got to do to and stay strong.

  60. Chris Clarke Says:

    Thank you for all the important work you’ve done, bfp, here online and offline.

    You know, I’m convinced that a few years down the road we’ll look back at what was the “blogosphere” and wonder why we put so much emotional energy into it. There’s some excellent writing and thinking, to be sure, but even more dreck and status seeking and intellectual property theft, and cliquish medium-sized fish boasting about their role in the small pond.

    We’ll look at all this, I think, in much the same way people look at the dotcom binge of a few years back. And some, perhaps most of the “prominent’ bloggers will be thought of in amusement, each one the “” of political speech, with a widespread mild embarrassment that they were ever taken seriously.

    Crossing my fingers, anyway.

    Break legs with your work to come, bfp.

  61. gordonzola Says:

    I just wanted to write and say thank you for writing this. I was not a reader of your blog, but got here via reading about about the multiple controversies going on. Your words make a lot more sense than the portrayal of your words did, so I really appreciate you taking the time (and effort) to put them out there.

    Just saying.

  62. Gwen Says:

    I’m really going to miss you. Thank you so much for everything.

    Best of luck and much love.

  63. Emily Says:

    I don’t have much to add, Bfp, but you have my undying respect. I know that you’ll be amazing, whatever you choose to do.


  64. belledame222 Says:

    You know, it’s the work by any other name. I personally hold to the label “feminist” same as I always did, but that’s only because it’s–just a word, always has been, a convenient enough one, one which I mostly associate with “people who aren’t Dawn Eden or Vox Day.” but, I totally understand why other people have soured enough on it that they want nothing further to do with it, much less Certain People. “all those who say Lord, Lord,” or however that goes. I’m just sorry it’s driven you out of the blogosphere. Our loss.

  65. Umm Zaid Says:


    I was not a regular reader of your blog (I’m a friend of Aaminah’s), but I was following this. Good on you for speaking out. You do whatever you have to do. We’ll be right here waiting.

    Maybe (maybe) as more and more of us outside of the dominant paradigm begin to publicly acknowledge (to their faces) that their feminism doesn’t, and cannot include us… well, maybe something will change. (Or not).

  66. kortney ryan ziegler Says:

    I purposefully and deliberately burn all bridges to all people/movements with the purposeful and deliberate awareness that I will build bridges again, but ONLY WITH a person/movement and only if those bridges require no body parts to build.

    exactly! thank you.

  67. Mira Says:

    bfp, I’ve only ventured into the feminist blogosphere relatively recently, and I’m selfishly sorry I won’t have the chance to read more of your work. I just wanted to leave you a note in support, and to say that this – “white feminists bear a responsibility (that they are NOT accepting and in fact are actively rejecting) to negotiate power and create spaces (while working alongside or a step behind marginalized communities) in which power is de-centralized” – is fucking right on. I’m a white feminist myself, and always trying to create more and bigger spaces of respect for marginalized communities in my thoughts and actions, as a listener and supporter and fellow worker and not as a talker or decider. And yeah, I fuck up sometimes, but it’s galling to see some white “feminists” refusing to get it and trying to make sure the focus is all about white women and their middle-class issues.

    I know you don’t know me at all, but I’m sorry and angry about all this crap. Much respect, and I wish you well.

  68. Betty Boondoggle Says:

    It’s not fair. I just discovered you.

    Its sad to know I missed out. Selfish, yes, but since I was initially duped into thinking this whole thing was something it wasn’t, a feeling of betrayal isn’t too far behind.

    Good luck in all your endeavors.

  69. Hawise Says:

    I came late to your garden but I hope that in the future I find where you bloom in your season.

  70. Redstar Says:

    bfp, i was so honored when you commented on my blog about my work in New Orleans – to me that was a stamp for me of good work, because YOU acknowledged ME. I wish you all the best and know you will continue to do amazing work. The blogosphere is at a loss without you, please stay safe and take good care of yourself.

  71. Rana Says:

    I hear you, and I will keep listening.

    I will keep your words in mind whenever I start getting too comfortable in my position of relative privilege.

    I’m white, I’m a feminist, and I’m sorrowing that people like me have treated you like shit.

    You deserve far, far better than that – and they are immature, selfish and soulless to not realize that, and in their attempts to blame you for their treatment of you.

    I am sorry, and I am angry.

    (for whatever this is worth)

  72. Daisy Says:

    This has caused a radical shifting in my thinking.

    Ohhhh, this is true for lots of people, rest assured, including me.

    My best to you, BFP… and don’t forget the song I dedicated to you and BA. 🙂

    My love and deep respect for continuing to fight the good fight.

  73. Cola Says:

    I wish it were easier for you to make Feminism yours. I wish it didn’t feel like a fight. It shouldn’t. Your voice is important to a lot of feminists, as you noted at the end of this post. Not being a woman of colour myself, I can only offer my promise that I will try harder to create the spaces for them that you talk about.

    It’s too bad that nothing worth fighting for is easily won. I’m glad that you aren’t quitting.

  74. Noemi Says:

    Viva la Mujerista!

  75. mylesfromnowhere Says:

    Now that is a rant

  76. midwestern transport Says:

    i’ll miss you.

    i think your writing is wonderful and you’ve given me so much to think about and laugh about and cry about while i’ve been reading you.

    be well.

  77. annalouise Says:

    I’m so sorry to see you go. You are such an inspiration to me and so wise and knowledgable. I’m glad that you are doing well, all things considered. Enjoy your foot soaking.

  78. Amy's Brain Today Says:

    Hi bfp, I just wanted to say that you’re not the only one who thought what you thought about feminism. I thought that’s what it was about too–or that’s what it’s been about to me, or something. I understand your reasoning and I respect your decision–and I still wish it didn’t have to be that way.

    Here’s a little thing I wrote about what X did, not much, but, FWIW.

  79. nm Says:


    Even lurkers miss you. But understand why you went away.

  80. Alas, a blog » Blog Archive » My thoughts on BFP’s summary of her thoughts Says:

    […] is amazing. Brownfemipower: The thing is—I thought that those who were a part of a “feminist community” were held to the […]

  81.   Reading for April 17th by ripples of hope Says:

    […] BFP's Final Response […]

  82. littlem Says:

    Thank you for your scholarship and your eloquence.

    I’ve read you for a long time and, although we are friends of friends, I believe this may be the first time I’ve had an opportunity to reach out directly with the utmost respect.

    If — after soaking with a quick face-thumb to Miss Elizabeth because magnesium salts and essential oil only cost about $3.99 US in total and that’s 2 months of soaks if you soak every other night 😉 — you ever wish to talk further about ownership, negligence, intentionality, the U.S.C, or anything else — you know where to find me.

    Con abrazos fuertes –

  83. ahianna_nia Says:

    I got nothing but respect for you. I’m glad you gave up “feminist”. Now you’re over here on the dark side. Pun intended.

  84. miwome Says:

    I never heard of brownfemipower until I started reading about this latest controversy–a fact which supports your points in a small way–but I wanted to say that I wish I had. This essay is clear, spirited, and moving, and I wish I had been around to see your work up to now.

    Thank you, from a budding feminist, for making sure I have plenty to think about as I’m getting started. I can say with some certainty that this essay will be important for me to come back to in the future.

  85. Angel H. Says:

    Just wanted to stop by to send my love and support.

    If you need anything, holla! 😉

  86. Charity Says:

    I have also been a lurker, and not for long enough – but I was always profoundly moved and shaken up (in the best way!) by your writing. I will always remember, in particular, your recent Master’s House / Master’s tools piece…just awe-inspriring, it gave me the chills. I wish you all the best and am glad I got this belated chance to tell you how you’ve affected my thinking on a lot of things.

  87. labyrus Says:

    I’m sorry if you feel I misrepresented what you said, but I also have got to say I feel like what I said has been grossly misrepresented here. I never claimed that “[you are] really stealing all [your] ideas from the anarchists and the indy media makers out there.” I was simply trying to bring up examples of how these ideas are pretty widespread and no one community owns them and – to my mind – they’re well-known and discussed enough that someone doesn’t need to cite a specific source when they bring this up. This was all in response to the plagiarism debate, something I’m well aware you didn’t start. I feel like you’re putting words in my mouth here.

    That he doesn’t think that “WOC” have the right to decide for the rest of the blogosphere what is “stealing” and what isn’t. These are not uncommon sentiments. I’ve seen the same sentiment coming from a lot of people I thought would at least ask me what I meant.
    I want to be pretty clear here: I didn’t ask you what you meant because I thought you were being quite clear. I didn’t ask you what you meant because I don’t have your email address, and by the time I found your post on this (what with not spending 24/7 on the internet) comments on your blog were closed. Most of all I didn’t ask you what you meant because I was responding to people like Sudy and Rebecca who more or less made specific charges of plagiarism (and whose attacks on Amanda I repeatedly distinguished from what you initially said) and saying very clearly that they did think Amanda should specifically give credit to you- because I feel like addressing that kind of assault on someone’s character and ability to put food in their mouth is a priority in this situation. You’re welcome to call me a racist because I jumped to the white lady’s defense first, but I hope you can appreciate that maybe we have an honest disagreement here. I never said that I was responding to you, specifically because I wasn’t, I was responding to those who were attacking the ability of someone I respect to feed herself, and I was quite clear that what you were saying was decidedly different.

    I haven’t lost any respect for you, It’s too bad that you’ve apparently lost any you’ve had for me. I’m glad your blog is back.

  88. Mel Says:

    I heard of your work long ago, when I first dipped my toe into the pond of the feminist blogosphere, but never read more than a post or two. I am white, so it seemed so far removed from me. Now I am filled with regret…I wish, I _wish_, that I had had the wisdom to read your words before they were gone. I always thought I could come back and read them later.

    When I read the first post on the subject by Feministe, I was shocked. I could not believe that Amanda, a feminist, had done such a thing — a feminist, who should understand better than most about the politics of appropriation, discrimination, and injustice.

    The more I looked, the more heartbroken I became, because every bit of evidence I saw — even the posts by Hugo, a man I consider a friend and source of inspiration — pointed in the same direction. They were defensive. They were dismissive. They were playing to the letter of the law, rather than the spirit of a feminist community. It could only mean one thing. What you said was true, truer than they were willing to admit. Amanda had done something horrible, and more importantly, she refused to try and fix it, or even admit it was wrong.

    Almost everyone I looked up to as a feminist mentor was suddenly perpetrating an amazing outrageous level of discrimination. I never expected such people, self-identified progressives, to be tinged with such hate, to be clinging and spreading such injustice…and to seem so blind to what they were doing. Can they really be THAT ignorant? I am not sure that I want to know the answer, or what it would mean.

    I don’t know where to go from here. I want to let you know that as a result of this I have started to reach out the the blogs of feminists and women of color who I previously thought did not apply to me. I start to see the tiny undercurrents of racism and classism in everyday life that were previously invisible to me, that are now glaring, screaming, and I wonder how in the world I managed to miss them before. I have ordered books on race and class. I tried to find the blogs of other white feminist who “get it”, to see what wisdom they can give.

    For what it’s worth, this whole shitpile woke me up.

    I don’t know what to do to help, but all I can think is to try, as hard as possible, to make “feminism” something that embraces women like you, something that gives you hope and courage in exchange for inspiration and a powerful voice. Most importantly, I want feminism to BE the community you’re talking about. Community is what it has always been about. I want to make my feminism, my community, one that welcomes a brownfemipower, a blackamazon, an angry black woman.

    I’m mentally sending you hugs, tears, friendship, and regrets for my past indifference. I hope one day to be able to see your words, for the first time.

  89. labyrus Says:

    The fallacy in Labyrus’ (and other people who support and agree with Labyrus) argument is the unstated idea that my connection to the indy media making community is in any way similar to X’s connection to pro-immigrant bloggers or women and men of color bloggers.
    To be somewhat more snarky (I am sorry, I don’t like disagreeing with you): This may well be true, but I’m willing to guess you know exactly nothing about X’s connection or lack thereof to pro-immigrant communities that aren’t bloggers. What you’re doing here (and what I have an issue with) is elevating blogging to the most important part of politics bloggers are expected to connect their writing to. X is, as she’s mentioned in the past, a member of the ACLU, which, while hardly a poster-child for the pro-immigrant community, does support immigrants sometimes with important legal help.

    I think after this post I’m going to not comment on your blog unless you say I’m welcome. I feel uncomfortable with this whole situation and I don’t want to be posting in your space if I’m unwelcome. I just really object to words being put in my mouth and my argument being misrepresented and I feel like with the two comments I’ve made I’ve more or less gotten my two cents in with that. I really hope you don’t feel like I’m attacking you because that is really not my intention.

  90. Kitteh Says:

    Another long-time lurker chiming in to tell you you will be missed, but I absolutely respect your need to step out of all this chaos as you see fit. Your words have moved me greatly, as a feminist. Reading your words have changed me in many ways, and shaped my own perception of feminism. Blessings from a lurker and from a fellow LOTR fan. Hope you and your family are well, and your schooling is going well too. *hearts*

  91. Sarah Says:

    Another lurker to your blog. Thank you for all the amazing words you wrote over the years. Your blog was incredible. I’m so sorry for the way your work has been treated and ignored.

  92. Krystle Says:

    Thank you so much, for your work in the past, for what work you will do and for being you. That’s all I can think of at the moment.

  93. bfp Says:

    well, labyrus, this is where we reach the fork in the road. You are going that way, and I’m going this way. —-Edited because who the fuck cares. You’re right. Never should have said a word.—-

    Sudy never named X. Interesting how Sudy IS named as “assaulting” a white woman.

    Like I said–you’re going that way, and I’m going this way. I wish you well.

  94. Jack Stephens Says:

    Thanks for all your hard work and your fabulous wonderfully wonderfully written blogging. I’ve been reading your blog for about, hmmmmm… 15 months or so. I always knew how much of a great writer you were but I didn’t know how much I depended on your blog for great wit and analysis until it was gone, I guess I had gotten to familiar over the year and a half I’d been reading it; ya know, like, you don’t know fully how much you appreciate something until it is gone. Anyhoo, peace out, good luck, many blessings, and KEEP READING!

  95. BrownFemiPower’s Final (?) Words « The Blog and the Bullet Says:

    […] by Jack Stephens on April 17, 2008 BrownFemiPower says: I wrote what I wrote to say that there either is a feminist movement or there isn’t—and if […]

  96. bfp Says:

    I’ve read you for a long time and, although we are friends of friends, I believe this may be the first time I’ve had an opportunity to reach out directly with the utmost respect.

    are we friends of friends?? Can I ask who, or is it somebody offline?

    I’m all curious now–maybe we’ll meet each other soon!!!!

  97. bfp Says:

    Mel–thank you for sharing such a deeply heartfelt and obviously painful comment.

    Seriously–to everyone–thank you all. I can not comment to every single one of you like I would like to. There simply isn’t enough time for that. But know that i *have* read every single one of your words. And I appreciate so deeply how many of you are taking risks, even now, when I am sitting in a corner screaming that I refuse to take those risks ever again. Thank you. Thank you all so much.

  98. aw, fisticuffer Says:

    Bless you for coming back to post that. Your blog was the blog that woke me up to a lot of problems of the feminist movement. Just thank you.

  99. Deoridhe Says:

    It was wonderful reading your words and learning from you, and I truly wish you well. I am sure you will be a strong force for justice wherever you go.

    It’s up for us to carry on and work alongside you and your goals.

    Best wishes, always. I hope someday our paths will cross again.

  100. petitpoussin Says:

    Girrrrrrrrrrl… you win the hot off. For life.

  101. Alexis Says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for a long time, but I never commented; like many fellow lurkers posting here, I just thought deeply and tried to let myself be changed by your words. You’re one of the theorists without whom I wouldn’t quite be the same person, I think. Thank you for giving that to me, and I wish you and all the communities to which to contribute and belong the best in your future struggles.

  102. amanda Says:

    I want to add my voice to the those of the other long-time lurkers. I’ve found your writing textured and insightful and incredibly thought-provoking. As a white feminist, it breaks my heart to consider myself part of a movement that doesn’t treasure the essential work you’ve done. Just from reading the comments here, it’s obvious that your writing brought something different and valued to so many of your readers. For me, you opened my eyes to the real world effects of my own privilege, and gave me productive frameworks for thinking about privilege that wasn’t based on guilt and if there is anything that I take away from the past days, it’s that I need to be even more vigilant about recognizing and confronting my privilege. Thank you for all of your words. Take good care of yourself – you deserve it.

  103. Vanessa Says:

    bfp – Thank you for this.

  104. Lara Says:

    Damnit. Damnit. I haven’t read your blog in a while but I used to read it on the regular barely a year ago. It was awesome. It was one of the very few feminist blogs where I could read up on Latinas and immigrant women. I found your responses to white feminists’ racism at first confusing and even disturbing, but I caught on quite quickly and now I respect you deeply for being brave and standing up to their privilege and refusal to acknowledge their capitulation to White Supremacist Patriarchy. I am an Egyptian-American feminist and what you wrote about affected me deeply. While I still identify as a feminist and I take the label seriously, and I am sad to see you throw the label off, I also respect and understand your decision to do so. I am not you, and while I have dealt with white-centric and racist responses to me in the liberal feminist (and, rarely, even the radical feminist) blogosphere I can imagine it has been really tough for you. So, best wishes to you and keep fightin’! And please keep supporting your feminist students, of color especially, because you are one of the few great mentors they have left in this woman-hating and white-centric world.
    Salam/Adios/Take care!

  105. winna Says:

    I have loved your writing ever since I started reading it. You are an amazing, gifted, wonderful person. I wish you all things good.

    Thank you.

  106. db11 Says:

    Just wanted to echo the many comments expressing respect and appreciation for your hard-won insights and the wonderful writing through which you express them. Like so many others, I only wish I had discovered you earlier.

    Doesn’t matter the label you apply to yourself – or others to you: what you have do says who you really are. And your recent absence has shown how big your presence and influence has been for so many people.

    From this white, male lurker… admiration and thanks.

  107. profacero Says:

    “My personal explanation would be that Hugo and the others are not feminists, that they have no idea what feminism is.”

    Plainsfeminist – that’s my personal explanation too, at least theoretically, but my personal experience with ‘feminists’, esp. academic ones, goes in another direction. This is my problem with the whole phenom.

  108. Lisa Harney Says:

    Thank you for posting this. The lack of words was worrying to me. 😦

    Anyway, I apologize if my own blog post centered you vs. white feminists appropriating WoC work and writing – I admit that was where I started – that X was taking credit for the kind of work I knew you’d done, but I tried to reference the entire historical pattern – that when white feminists talk about issues like that one, the women of color who paved the way are forgotten or pushed aside.

    Thank you for blogging – your voice was one of the few that convinced me to start blogging at all, and introduced me to issues I hadn’t thought deeply about. Race, the problems within feminism (racially, even trans issues from one or two of those blowups in the last couple of years), and so on. Thank you.

  109. Brownfemipower’s Post On Recent Events « Questioning Transphobia Says:

    […] April 17, 2008 at 8:43 pm (brownfemipower) (brownfemipower) I don’t have anything to add here – just read it and the comments. […]

  110. Chris Clarke Says:

    Some things one can only respond to by way of art.

  111. Kay Olson Says:

    Much love, BFP.

    See you again.

  112. laura Says:

    So, my little naive self wants to burst into angry tears. I had thought that (what you said) was what it (feminism) was all about in the first place. I had thought that extensive linking and citations and general community building were part and parcel of good … well, good personhood, and that people who didn’t would immediately be called out, and shamed into acknowledging others. (This is a) the result of my inability to shake the belief that all people are nice and good, and b) part of the reason that I am slowly developing a dislike for humanity).

    I had read your posts off and on, debated adding you to my blogroll (trying to keep it short for my sanity) and decided against it. Now, I am incredibly sad that its not there any longer, and that I did not take advantage of my ability to read it while I could. I feel like theres a deep rift and loss in the blog community.

    … I’m really tired, and shouldn’t be commenting because I feel like theres more to what I am wanting to say, and that what I am saying isn’t coming across clearly because I’m so tired. But I feel compelled to let you know that you are loved (as much as one can be through a blog) by many (not that you didn’t know that)

  113. lethal Says:

    Your thoughts really inspired me, made me feel less alone, and challenged me to see things in new ways. I miss your writing already.

  114. Rahula Says:

    bfp, I was mainly a lurker on your blog and i’ve just been…flabbergasted by this whole damn thing. Even though i know, I KNOW what white feminists/white feminism are capable of. As a white woman, the only reason i’ve not rejected the feminist term is for lack of a replacement, which is just a silly reason.

    but the real reason I’m posting is, i wanted to tell you that your posts about love, i think it was last month? specifically the father who’s child was killed who then went and learned about the killer, and moved toward restorative justice and all that? It made me sob out loud, and i never read the entire thing because it was too much to take in one sitting. The way you brought everything together, and so much from a heart full of love and fire. You are phenomenal, and I’m glad you’re in the world.

  115. Una Mujer Says:

    I don’t know if you remember me.

    No te rajes.

  116. Sylvia/M Says:

    don’t soak your feet too long or they’ll start to look like prunes. 😉

    i cannot wait to see/hear how you shake up the earth this time. i’m gonna feel it all the way over here near the chessiepeek bay and think, “what did that brownfemipower get herself into now?!”

  117. Trin Says:


    I wish I had something more vibrant and forceful to say than thank you for all the blogging you’ve already done. you’ve taught me far more than the feminists you (rightly, IMO) call out here for not doing enough. You’re the one doing what needs to be done, the hard work, the careful work, the work I often couldn’t even read because it’s the hard stuff, and leg shaving and white girl bickering is easier.


    Your blog and your thoughts and your voice have given me great hope. Reading the posts you’ve made about reproductive justice, and the way pro-choiceness gets framed and the things those framings leave out — well, that’s stuff I work on too, trying to figure out how to honor the experiences and hopes and fears of myself and other people with disabilities who fear that choice will, as it has in the past, end up a choice to erase us. Reading your words on how that framing doesn’t quite fit for woc either, given histories of sterilization and denial of the right to *have* and love their children, really gave me hope. It said to me that someone out there sees that there’s more threads to this than simple autonomy and rights. It made me feel for the first time in a long time that someone besides the pwd in my books understood that reproduction and how it’s used and who gets it has a *history*, a history that matters and that we have to understand and honor even as we do fight for women’s ownership of their bodies.

    It meant tons to me to see your posts on that. They weren’t quite about the issue in my head, but they spoke to me like no canned re-hash of “the abortion debate” ever has. Ever.

    I’ll never forget them.

    Thank you.

  118. Deborah Says:

    Thank you.

  119. Jenny Says:

    Like so many others, I’m glad of the chance to thank you for everything you’ve written.

    The reason for me to read blogs is to learn things I won’t learn from the mass media, to hear things from perspectives and based on experiences I don’t have. I live in another country from you, and for a long time I thought I knew pretty much what there is to knew about race issues in my own country. Reading your blog has given me new ways of looking at these things, and showed me how very little I know, how completely I’ve misread several situations.

    Again, thank you.

  120. Catherine Martell Says:

    Also a long-time lurker. I’m here as someone who still calls herself a feminist, but has been greatly depressed by this whole affair. Just wanted to let you know that there are plenty of people within the feminist movement (whatever that is) who love and appreciate your work, support you, and are fighting racist culture. Starting with getting our own house in order.

    We’re so much poorer as feminists without your voice, and that’s our fault. I’m sorry.

    BFP, thank you for all your inspiring writing and research over the years. I’ve learned a lot from you. I wish you all the best, whatever you decide to do next. I know it will be amazing.

  121. Your Revolution Will Be Stolen And Franchised « Alma Cork Says:

    […] and in light of the above, i’m angry that people don’t fucking learn. people still steal from minority cultures. from people who, even though intelligent, passionate and proud, are easy to dismiss due to bullshit cultural classifications. this is history people, it has happened, repeatedly, and it is still happening, and until us nice fluffy white liberal love-everybody feminists wake-up and realise that we’re as guilty as everybody else, irrespective of our gender, it’s going to keep on happening. you want a revolution? you really want a better world? for women as well as everybody else? well, stop stealing, just for once admit you’re part of the problem, then shut the fuck up and listen. […]

  122. odanu Says:

    You have my whole-hearted support, BFP. I haven’t commented much in your blog, but you will be missed. I know who X is, and my opinion of her judgment has dropped significantly (this being the second major flap she’s been involved in where she showed very little self awareness and a whole lot of “get my name in the news-ness).

    I respect your decision to leave, and it’s my own selfish disappointment I’m feeling, and my anger that you feel you had to (for all too good a reason). You are the second of very strong voices that I have seen silenced, and probably many more just quietly gave up and out without an announcement.

    Finally, thank you so much for all that you have written over the years, and said (although I have never had the pleasure of hearing you speak). Don’t stop being who you need to be :D. Take care.

  123. bint alshamsa Says:

    Dear Barrio Buddy,

    Thank you for sticking around as long as you have. I know it hasn’t been easy for you but the work you’ve done on behalf of others has been amazing. I don’t know where you’ll go from here but I hope you’ll keep in touch with me.

    -the Ghetto Girl

  124. aliciadk Says:

    I never said it while I was lurking for months, while your words re-framed my entire understanding of the world, but thank you from the deepest reaches of my heart for the work you’ve done and will continue to do.

  125. Frowner Says:

    This is the blogo-event that makes me the saddest of any in my few years of reading blogs.

    Your writing has always made me get up and act and I won’t stop now. The left forgets, that’s what it does–we’ve seen this same thing over and over, the most privileged parts of the left throwing the rest under the bus, white women grabbing everything they can get from activists of color. But I won’t forget, and when I see this stuff happening again I will speak out.

    Anyway, take care of yourself. I’ll miss your blog a lot, but I know you’ll be doing good work in other forms.

  126. Cara Says:

    I’m not a regular reader, but I loved what I did read of your work. I’ve taken your words to heart.

    Feminism is meant to be about all of us. All women. Half the world. It’s meant to help everyone by way of knocking down the bad ideas that oppress not just white women but all women, whole races of people, whole ‘categories’ of people. The bad ideas that (taken to their *logical* conclusion) legitimize the killing of people because we’re not ‘regular’ (default) human beings.

    At least that’s what I’ve always thought. It wasn’t supposed to be a microcosm of the ‘regular’ world, but rather turning the world on its head to clear out the cobwebs.

    I’m sorry that, even now, there are so many who don’t hear you. I don’t blame you for being angry, furious even. I’m feeling like Mel, sort of flattened and confused. I just know I need to pay more attention to my OWN thinking so I don’t contribute to the erasure you talk about.

    Thank you for posting this.

  127. - links for 2008-04-18 Says:

    […] Brownfemipower’s Final Words Feminists, on the other hand, are not movement building, they are actively destroying women and blaming those women for the destruction. (tags: Feminism Womanism WOC) […]

  128. Eric Stoller Says:

    It makes my heart sing seeing you back, even if only for a short time, and to know that you are taking some time to relax, process, and heal. Loving you for your strength and wisdom. ~E

    Buena suerte y hasta luego…

  129. ripley Says:

    I have learned so much from your writing.

    I am so sad about this, and so disappointed that so many people’s bad behavior and bad faith came out unchecked (by themselves or their friends). It was so obvious, so quickly, that people who should know better were giving themselves a pass on bad behavior, and even worse, attacking in the worst possible faith (i.e. by saying things they had to know were not true) those who pointed it out. It was eye-opening for me, to see everything play out, so clearly, along lines of race and privilege – like a script! and so depressing to see people willing to stick to the script when it was so hurtful and destructive.

    I honor the time and energy you have given to your web presence and your amazing writing there in the past – I’m sure it changed a lot of people’s thinking in good ways, even if they never posted comments. It certainly changed mine.

    good luck with your future work!

  130. Midgetqueen Says:

    All my best. I can’t articulate how sorry I am about this whole shitstorm, but at the same time I know it’s opened some eyes that needed to be opened. Including mine. I know you’re gonna keep your head up and I am SO glad to see that you’re still kicking. You are, and will be, and from what I can tell always have been, friggin’ amazing. You do whatever you’ve gotta do in the knowledge that all these people ’round here have got your back.

  131. Rose Says:

    As someone who just discovered your blog, I’m sorry I won’t be seeing more of your writing at this time. But I’m not commenting to tell you I’m sorry you made this decision because I respect that you need to make the choices best for you. You’re not going away, you’re simply going in another direction and that makes a lot of sense in light of everything you’ve been through.

    I just wanted to let you know that I’m both touched and humbled by everything you say here. And I want to thank your bravery. In a world full of petty cowards, being brave means a lot.

  132. Kevin Says:

    BFP, I just wanted to say that I love and respect and admire and will always support you and everything that you do.

    Much Love, my friend.

  133. NancyP Says:

    Thank you for all the excellent and thought-provoking work you have done over the years.

    “Feminism” is much more than Amanda Marcotte. There are plenty of non-publishing white feminist activists who are involved in issues related to WOC or immigrants. My portfolio of interest is access to comprehensive health care, including comprehensive reproductive health care. I’m a single-payer adherent, but the main issue right now is dealing with the state legislature’s and governor’s misguided plan that leaves a great many people out, including many POC, undocumented immigrants, and people with disabilities and mental illness. But I don’t blog, and if I did, I wouldn’t be making my #1 aim wide circulation and income from it.

    Call yourself whatever you want – but don’t forget that some people in the discarded label group think that you do good and necessary work.

  134. leesajay Says:

    I want to say not only how much your voice will be missed—and your future work eagerly awaited—but also that recent events are catalyzing a huge amount of self-examination, change, and renewed commitment to REAL (not window-dressing, “let’s do just enough so that we can fool ourselves into thinking we’re part of the solution and not the problem”) ally work for some (oh and how I fervently wish it could be ALL) white feminists.

    Watching the denial, racist anger, and flat-out blindness to privilege of the last few weeks has felt like a knife in feminism’s heart. It’s deeply shameful that it took something like this to pierce my comfortable fog, but for me it has been a “click” moment like no other.

    You and your work are endlessly amazing, and I hope I get the privilege of telling you so in person at the AMC this summer.

  135. leesajay Says:

    i dunno what that annoying winky icon is doing in my above comment–it was just supposed to be a close-parenthesis! apologies for it.

  136. Five Before Midnight Says:

    Rock on baby! 🙂

    Thank you for all the writing you’ve brought to the ‘net and the dialogues. You’ve made it a better place for your presence. You’re very much missed but it’s really good to hear that you’re working on something that’s got you excited. That’s a great feeling. I know you’ll do great work.

    I had a good discussion yesterday with activists about the LAPD’s attempts to whittle away at Amendment 40 purportedly to deport gang members but aimed at the Latino community because the only discussions taking place supporting the move to “amend” this amendment are aimed about Mexican and El Salvadorean immigrants. Kind of similar to actions already taken by local governments in cities in Orange County.

    Feminists? I used to be one of those too, but when it comes to many issues that impact women, where are they? And they have this way of not realizing that many women can’t neatly sever their ties to men in their communities or don’t want to and use that as an excuse to say something’s not a feminist issue or that you’re not holding men accountable for their sexism even in conversations dealing with issues where men’s sexism didn’t help them because of intersections between gender and race and class.

    It’s not worth it. There’s only so much time and energy in the day and so much going on out there that is exciting.

    There’s a lot of amazing women out there (yourself included) who do great work with women (and men) on issues which greatly impact people including gendered violence. And yeah, there’s great feminists but what I notice is that the ones out there doing a lot of the grassroots work, seem to understand very well why many women can’t and don’t and won’t call themselves feminists.

    Take care and btw, you have a big fan in Piya. She’s really impressed with your blog.

    Sudy, yeah I started watching the LOTR’s festival on TNT. Does it help to see them in the right order? Viggo, I could watch him all day. 😉


  137. Sickle Says:

    Thanks, bfp. For everything.

  138. brklyngrl Says:

    Thank you so much for this post and for all that you’ve written. I’ve learned so much from reading your blog and I’ve been missing it this last week or so. Though I understand and respect your decision. It will be a sad loss if you decide not to blog any more, but your health and happiness come first. Best to you and yours.

  139. joankelly6000 Says:

    I am a dork. I assumed that you would not allow comments here so I did not even check, just read the whole thing at Sudy’s, left a comment there.

    If it ever happens that you read this and go “hey, I should tell Joan to resend that email she sent when I wasn’t reading/accepting emails,” feel free to say out loud at me. xo.

  140. debbie rasmussen Says:

    i just want to add my voice to the chorus of those giving tremendous gratitude, respect, and appreciation for all you have given, taught, shared, suffered… Your work and your commitment to justice and movement-building is inspiring.

  141. Cara Says:

    BFP, I haven’t read all of the comments so this may have already been said 100 other times by 100 people.

    Your blog has inspired me. It has taught me more than you’ll ever know. It challenged me, it made me angry, it made me confront myself and take a look at my own prejudices. Your blog showed me the kind of ally I want to be, and all of this has shown me how very far away from that mark I am. It has also made all of your words about marginalization, appropriation, colonization and erasure ring even more true. Though I know that you no longer identify with feminism, and why, my feminism has been hugely shaped by your writing.

    So I wanted to say thank you for all of it, and mainly for speaking in support of the women whose voices are often silenced, whose voices I might have otherwise not heard. I hope to run into your work again someday. And it makes me feel much better to know that somewhere out there, your archives are safe.

  142. brownshoesdontmakeit Says:

    I’m very very new to this whole thing and I don’t know if my words mean all that much but I wish you a lot of luck in what you choose to do, and I think whomever you end up with can only benefit from your involvement.

  143. noemi Says:

    wise words:
    “What we say and what we do ultimately comes back to us so let us own our responsibility, place it in our hands and carry it with dignity and strength.”

    “Voyager, there are no bridges, one builds them as one walks.”

    I am happy to walk the bridge with you.

  144. passthatdutch Says:

    bfp, your blog was my absolute favorite place on the internet. you really taught me a lot about what solidarity and being an ally means. i hope that in the future i can at least show some of that back to you and the people around you. and i can’t wait to see your future projects and brilliance.


  145. AYW Says:

    It reminds me of how people with disabilities are treated in the feminist community. They take care of the “Normals” first, the rest of us have to push our way in for a spot. Thank you for what you’ve written. It means a lot.

  146. Daomadan Says:

    Thank you for all you have written. For being the voice you are. For understanding life as a queer woman of color. For being you. I will miss you terribly and I hope I find you again. All the best to you because you deserve it! ❤

  147. PinkPoppies Says:

    I am glad I got a chance to read this. When I first found your blog, I was spending time going through the archives, hearing what has been said with the clarity of truth ringing in my ears that had been closed by convention and racism and privilege. I was seeing and feeling what you wrote and quoted and shared with red hot passion by eyes newly opened like a new born and seeing the potential for community that was diversity equality social justice and love.

    I was really sad when I saw your blog had been shut down, the words of my mother swirling in my ears: apagado, sin luz, una pagina blanca. I realized too, like Mel, that I had a responsibility not to just read and think and listen as a privileged white woman of mixed heritage but to also act and stand and push in solidarity with my sisters, mis hermanas and use that second language, this new understanding and awareness to find a way to make change possible.

    So thank you BFP: while you soak your feet and read your beloved books, know there is one woman who wants to thank you for creating a space that was for me a place for learning and for awakening, for becoming accountable, for realizing, having seen what work we have to do, that

    I can never go back and
    just be a white feminist
    who cannot see
    what has always been
    in front of her
    ignorance is not bliss

    Be well, stay well.


  148. Bq Says:

    I’m gonna miss you! I feel kinda bad about feeding the trolls on your blog once I started wading in and commenting. I know you do amazing things in several capacities, contributing your writing elsewhere and doing real-world activism, so I’m just glad to have gotten to know that someone like you is doing the things you do.

  149. Alex Says:

    You are the feminist. They are not. You didn’t leave the movement – the movement left you.

  150. Tom Head Says:

    Bless you. Thank you for all you’ve done.

  151. Link Love for 2008-04-19 | A Slant Truth Says:

    […] BFPFinal […]

  152. irrationalpoint Says:

    I hope you continue to blog or write in some form somewhere, but understand not doing so.

    take care,

  153. Tom Says:

    bfp, another lurker just offering respect and good-luck wishes.

    Don’t take any wooden nickels.

  154. Brenda Says:


    You don’t know me, but I just wanted to take this chance to say thanks for all the work you’ve done. You’ve certainly made this white feminist rethink a lot of orthodoxies and ask myself some hard questions. I still have a long way to go, but your work pushed me in the right direction.

  155. ms_xeno Says:

    Would that I could be surprised by what happened over at “X-Blog.” Or more pointedly, what didn’t happen.

    Best of luck to you, bfp.

  156. On Being an Ally : The Curvature Says:

    […] been thinking about these relationships. And while I was reading BFP’s last blog post yesterday, I was thinking I should write about this, I should write about this, I should write […]

  157. turtlebella Says:

    Went out of town and missed this at the first. But ya sabes que te quiero. And this only makes me love you more. (damn, girl, and I didn’t even know that was possible!) And of course that love won’t die with the passing of a blog. I’ll always be here and you are there and I’ll always know that. Which will be enough until your words roar back to us.

    Your writing has always seemed crystal clear to me…anyone who chooses to misread is doing just that. Choosing. And for that I condemn them to hell. Which I define as a place without the woman behind bfp.

    en la lucha pa siempre!

  158. Elaine Vigneault Says:

    1. Do you realize how fucked up it is that for some reason it is “wrong” for a woman of color to want the same advantages that white women get for doing the same work? 2. Do you realize how much it sucks big fat hairy dog cock that I have written about media justice for two fucking years and there is STILL a whole group of assholes who claim to have been regular readers and can somehow manage to say with a straight face that I want to “own” ideas and/or steal ideas from others? and 3. Do you realize how much it sucks big fat hairy dog ASSHOLE that even when I do my best to state my anger WITH THE FULL RECOGNITION that what I am saying may hurt somebody and thus ACTIVELY work to PROTECT that person while still expressing my anger–I am STILL berated for being angry, mean, judgemental, too harsh–and furthermore–I should EXPECT the attacks that I get? Do you recognize the problems with telling a woman of color that she can not even show anger at *anonymous*?

    Could you, uh, leave the dogs out of this one?

    Heh, I’m nothing if not predictable, eh?

    1. Yes, it’s totally and utterly fucked up that white privilege so blinds white people that they/we can’t even grasp how far-reaching their/our privilege extends and put blame on POC who want the same privileges.
    2. Yes, it sucks (but not dog cock) that some people/readers will misinterpret, misrepresent, misconstrue your words.
    3. Yes, it sucks that anger, even when fully justified, with best intentions, without violence, and with positive action is considered dangerous, wrong, mean, bad, and undeserved.

  159. AradhanaD Says:

    Hey bfp,

    I just wanted to say – you are totally awesome and don’t give up the fight. I hope that you continue with your activism because you are a vital force in community building.

    Wish you all the best!


  160. Tara Says:

    Once again, your writing has connected dots and put into words thoughts/ideas/realities that I could previously only grapple over silently. You were one of the first writers (another is Andrea Smith) to help me see how immigrant rights, indigenous rights, and feminism are (or should be) connected, when previously I had only a strong feeling that they were but couldn’t articulate the “why” of it myself. Your posts on disabled persons rights also gave me some unexpected breakthroughs in how I look at the world and my own past. Thank you for that. It’s good to know you’re doing (relatively) all right. You’ve been in my thoughts, and I hope that whenever you decide to reenter the public sphere that I find you again.

  161. Tara Says:

    Also, I meant to say that I’ve always really appreciated how your blog was a place where topics like immigration in relation to women’s rights could be discussed intelligently, rather than having comments spiral into hateful rhetoric or die out quickly like it does on so many other sites that occasionally broach the topic. It just goes to show that when immigration (and WOC issues in general) are embraced as a priority, productive discussion and movement building is possible. So, thanks again.

  162. mali Says:

    bpf, I have been reading your blog for a long time now. you have woken me up to a different perspective that I can’t express how much I appreciate it. I want to thank you for the difference you made for me, and the difference you make by being such a powerful writer online. I miss your writing already.

  163. Laura R Says:

    Wow. I just wanted to add my voice to the choir, for what it’s worth, and thank you for everything you have done, are doing and will certainly do for women everywhere. Even though it will not be framed in the context of a non-existent feminist movement you are truly a blessing to us all.

    I read your blog religiously and it has taught me so much. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how much I have appreciated your hard work, dedication and insight. Selfishly, I am extremely saddened that I no longer have your blog to look forward to every day. Of course what makes me more furious and upset are the reasons behind why it has to be this way, although I do definitely understand them and understand your position.

    You are such an amazing soul and an inspiration to me. I wish you all the best in your future projects and undertakings.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    In love, respect and solidarity,


  164. ka Says:

    Ok. Lurker here. Who lurked for a little bit too long, and managed to never get around and post a comment on the old blog.

    Bfp, I just want you to know that, when I saw that your blog wasn’t there any more, and then looked around and found the backstory, and saw that, no, this wasn’t just some horrible accident–girl, I *cried.* Never met or talked to or written anything read by you, just a regular girl from the rural Midwest who has read every post on your blog faithfully for the past two years. And come to depend on it, and truly love it, and radically grow from it, impacted in a way that maybe 5 other human beings in my life have ever impacted me.

    You (and many of the other brilliant woc commenting here) have done / are doing the amazing, life-altering, world-shaking work that other bloggers could only dream of. Want proof? Here. Me.

    I just want you to know that *you,* not this “feminist” punk band or that “feminist” book deal or the other “feminist” blog, have radically changed my life and empowered me to live it from a different (better) perspective. I’m sorry I haven’t said as much since I started reading, but I’m just glad that I got one chance. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  165. whatsername Says:

    I miss you BFP.

  166. Drakyn Says:

    I didn’t comment much on your site and you probably don’t know me, but I loved your blog and I will miss you.

  167. Jennifer Says:

    I’m so sorry this had to happen and I hope this isn’t really the end of your blogging. I’m very grateful for your support of my early blogs on Oaxaca as I first entered the blogging world. I’ve looked up to your work and dedication and I hope to see more from you.

  168. Natalia Antonova Says:

    Just caught up with the comments here –

    Bfp, you are loved.

  169. Long Form Links - 2008-04-20 at Racialicious - the intersection of race and pop culture Says:

    […] BrownfemiPower – Final Post (I want to pause here to note three things: 1. Do you realize how fucked up it is that for some reason it is “wrong” for a woman of color to want the same advantages that white women get for doing the same work? 2. Do you realize how much it sucks big fat hairy dog cock that I have written about media justice for two fucking years and there is STILL a whole group of assholes who claim to have been regular readers and can somehow manage to say with a straight face that I want to “own” ideas and/or steal ideas from others? and 3. Do you realize how much it sucks big fat hairy dog ASSHOLE that even when I do my best to state my anger WITH THE FULL RECOGNITION that what I am saying may hurt somebody and thus ACTIVELY work to PROTECT that person while still expressing my anger–I am STILL berated for being angry, mean, judgemental, too harsh–and furthermore–I should EXPECT the attacks that I get? Do you recognize the problems with telling a woman of color that she can not even show anger at *anonymous*?) […]

  170. bfp Says:

    elaine–i hear your words.

    i will make appropriate changes.


  171. Says:

    As a Black Woman feminist who is arm chair intellectual property expert, who has recently found herself KISSING and loving a man w/ blue eyes, who is unapologetically hood as sh-t, who struggles with moving further from Malcom and closer to Malcom- Ma’ I feel you.

    Being Brown and For Women on the internet will have you ready to
    murk someone. I have the audacity (re-insanity) to tussle with the
    hip hop bloggers about gender. IT.WEARS.ME.OUT.

    The problem w/ have is one of humanity. Frequently when I see people acting up, being racist, lacking empathy, I ask myself “Where is the humanity in that”?

    We live in a world of press releases news, pop a pill if your sad,
    drink a drink if your glad, I will use cloth bags to stop global
    warming bullsh*t. Its not a game.

    I honestly would like to do a survey of a thousand adults to
    because I think WE, in our desire to avoid at all costs what it feels like
    to be human, saddling ourselves with debt and self medicating ourselves on our journey to the American dream.

    Salute. Ma. Something Bigger, and Delicious, more challenging
    more rewarding awaits you around the corner.


  172. jodietonita Says:

    much respect

  173. The Person you Protect « Pregnant Drug-Dealing Prostitutes Says:

    […] a point where YOU step back and let them take responsibility for what they did. Who got hurt? BROWNFEMIPOWER. And this isn’t a new thing, I feel sorry for all your coloured friends that have to sneak […]

  174. Lauren Says:

    OMG BFP I’m so sorry and so sad about what’s happened. I had no idea! I just wanted to tell you how much your writing has inspired and challenged me. You are amazing, strong, brilliant, passionate and those fuckers who are trying to tear you down are buttface miscreants. I will miss your blog tremendously, and miss perusing the archives for brilliant posts and pictures that I hadn’t seen yet.

    en lucha, con tanto respeto,


  175. FranSky Says:

    Thank you for your energy, honesty & ability to take care of yourself. Only good things are in store for you & all of us who do this work on & offline. Enjoy each moment & lesson!

  176. nada Says:

    I will miss your blog, bfp, but I know you will transform your anger and pain into something awesome.

  177. profacero Says:

    FYI the Anxious Black Woman has a very cogent post (she earlier posted in solidarity with you) on how feminism really is a WoC thing, as in, WoC started it … check it out:

  178. SmithCollegeFeminists Says:

    We are so sad to see this, bfp. Many of us were regular readers of you, and many of us have given up on, um, *other* blogs in light of recent events.

    You are inspiring and we stand with you in solidarity.

  179. violet Says:

    Your words are beautiful. My insides are churning, because disillusionment hurts in that way.

    Love, though you don’t know me, and may never.

  180. Isabel Says:

    Another mostly-lurker here to say: thank you for blogging when you did. Reading your blog was pretty much the catalyst that made me start realize that owning up to privilege meant more than being able to summarize Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack, and that yeah, sometimes it was going to be uncomfortable and I was going to feel guilty, and that I could pout and ignore the issue and hope it went away, or I could be a grown-up about it and suck up my discomfort and try to grow from it, because I owe it to the world, and what kind of lazy-ass human being would I be if I didn’t? Not saying that it’s not hard, but hey: a lot of things are hard. Big kids learn to deal with that.

    You were also one of the big influences in my starting to envision intellectual and personal growth not as a matter of figuring out how to disagree with your opponents in ever snarkier, more precise language, but as a positive thing, something that involved not honing your anger more accurately (though there is, of course, always room for anger), but that involved, crucially, expanding your capacity for love, and light, and hope.

    If you ever return to blogging, I will be reading you, and loving it, and hopefully commenting more. If not, best wishes to you.

  181. Char Says:

    I’m a bit late on this train but I was really disappointed and saddened to see that this blog has come to an end.

    I’ve been a lurker for two years mostly because I was intimidated because people posting seemed so knowledgeable and I being only 17 felt so wide eyed and in awe when I found this blog. Being of the generation I am, this was like discovering riot grrl zines and it was the first time I found genuine validation in my thoughts and ideas formed from all the books a mentor had recommended to me one year when I was 14.

    In short, I guess I just want to wish you the best of luck and say that I will miss this part of my day.

  182. meghan rose Says:

    Assalaamu aleykum,
    You don’t know me, but it’s mostly through this controversy that I came to learn more of your blog, and I am sorry I didn’t have a chance to read more of your work before. It is clear that you are a strong woman and will continue doing what you do, but I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your words and I am thinking of you and wishing you well.

  183. Jennifer Says:

    Thank you for all of your words, BFP, online and off. Be well, be well.

  184. L-K Says:


    I’m delurking myself as many people in their respective comments have done here.

    Plainly, I think the feminist movement here in the US sucks. But, I just can’t “hand” over the title to the elitist, racist bunch who refuse to acknowledge or just don’t understand the privileges that separates. Re-transitioning myself from a global (Latin America, Sub-Sahara Africa and South Asia) feminist movement to a US national movement has been an eye-opening experience for me. It’s just not the same: there’s barely momentum, there’s barely any uproar, there’s no revolution. It’s all diplomatic; it’s all “nice;” it’s all negotiations about what policies are deemed “fit” to pass. This in the end screws over so many women, the majority are us, women of color. Again, we are left out, we are ignored, our needs and wants are silenced.

    However again, I am reluctant to give it over because it’s mine. Because I relate more to sisters overseas who identify as feminists, than the standard white, middle-upper middle class “feminist” bunch here. Because feminism is not an US invention. It is not a Western invention, and it pisses me off to no end that people swear it is. There was never solely a first-wave, second-wave, third-wave. Waves occur everyday!

    The whole scene is depressing. It also becomes harder to deal because although my “job” is viewed as a reproductive health and justice organization, we also do immigration justice. And people just refuse (because we sure do explain to people via our words, via resources, via examples, to the point of daily exhaustion) to understand that immigration is a feminist/gender/reproductive justice issue and cannot understand why it is one of our programmatic areas (because most of our constituency, the people that we work for, are immigrants, have families who are of mixed status and their status routinely is a determinant in what public services that have access to, etc?). “Intersectionality” is lost on most, I’m afraid. I find that I *headdesk* -repeatedly- on a daily basis.

    But thank you, BFP, for your insights, for the “well, duh” moments, and common frustrations. I will miss your work, which needs to be out there, not for the “mainstream” audience, but for PoC, immigrant communities, activists and true allies.


    […] SOURCE: […]

  186. jessilikewhoa Says:

    i found you via the controversy. i wish i had found you before. your words here made me cry and made my heart swell and moved me in ways so few things can move me. you can count this poor white feminist as another now awaiting your return.

  187. Ico Says:


    I sadly only got to read a small handful of your posts. But I am sure that wherever you go, you will change the world. 😀 Much love and success to you! And thank you for opening so many eyes and hearts, everywhere.

  188. Lisa Harney Says:

    Just dropping in to say I miss I feel a bit guilty for letting my reading fall behind and didn’t catch up for a month or two, and now it’s all gone. 😦

    I hope you’re doing well, and look forward to seeing more of your words, wherever you plan to speak or write.

  189. ansel Says:

    bfp: Hello. Another longtime (white guy journalism student) lurker here. Also deeply touched and affected by your writing, so thank you. It was often the first thing I wanted to read when I got online. I’ve referred radio listeners to your site on numerous occasions, for example when we covered ICE’s expansion into the Travis County Jail here in Austin ( I think I understand and respect your decision to stop blogging – I don’t know how you found the time and energy to keep it up for so long. It’s too bad the archives had to go down too.

    (Please call me out, folks, if you see the blindness informed by privilege here, if I’m polluting this space at all.)

    Thank you thank you for making the connections, as usual, to independent media and media justice. I’m wondering, then, what role independent media apart from the blogosphere should play in this situation? Why does it seem like what happens in the blogosphere stays there? Where is Indymedia on this recurring problem of white feminists appropriating WOC work and ideas? Where is indy-radio, like the show I produce or Free Speech Radio News? Community newspapers and zines? Discussion, exploration, hopefully the ultimate resolving (to that extent that it can be resolved within a structurally racist system) of this issue and the others raised by RWOC bloggers are crucial to anti-racist movement-making. So why aren’t supposedly grassroots independnet media moving this discussion forward, plus critiquing the non-grassroots “progressive” media (Alternet, The Nation), for their racism? This is a problem that goes far beyond, as many have pointed out, Amanda Marcotte, bfp, and blogs – is this dialogue (again, to the extent that it exists) reaching folks who don’t read these websites?

    It doesn’t seem like it. If someone wrote an article on the ongoing, systematic appropriation debacle (and/or suppression in the publishing industry of WOC), would it be, say, promoted up to US Indymedia? I suspect so. Would that be a good thing? Or for FSRN story to broadcast a story on this issue? And I’m really not sure where or whether to ask this, but nonetheless: if Amanda Marcotte or another prominent “feminist” blogger were to call in to a radio show and someone take this issue up with her, might that be a positive step? Would any WOC bloggers want to be in on that? (I have a friend who happens to be a MeCHA member and RWOC who I think would be happy to co-host with me, Marcotte lives in Austin…)

    I just wanted to get this out there. I’m trying to get a sense for what folks in Indymedia circles or alternative journalists who work in other mediums should do, if anything, in this situation.

  190. ansel Says:

    Oops, I definitely did not mean for that punctuation at the end of the fourth paragraph to be a smiley face, much less a winking one.

  191. Jackie Says:

    I am another delurking reader thanking you for what you have written. I posted today about this entire terrible situation because I am a white feminist who values the work of women of color and wants to stand with all women of color who believe in the rights of women to live free of violence and patriarchy and sexism and misogyny. I agree with the poster above who said that feminism has left you, that those calling themselves feminists have failed you and other women of color, and while I cannot speak for feminism, I want to add my voice to those who support you and all women of color.

  192. JustMe Says:

    bfp, i finally heard about this and found you, and i just wanted to say, you are an awesome, amazing person, and you will be missed a ton. especially by me. i am so sorry for all the horribleness thrown at you.

  193. Anna Clark Says:

    You’re a fantastic writer and thinker. Would that I found this space sooner. To join those chiming in with bfp ‘greatest hits’–your piece on the 40th anniversary of King’s assassination rings in my mind.

  194. In light of Appropriation and Race « Questioning Transphobia Says:

    […] Brownfemipower has stopped blogging. She’s taken down her blog, and all of the work she’s done over the past few years. It’s still backed up, but I hope we can see it again. I also understand if we never do. Some context. […]

  195. Maggie Jochild Says:

    Thanks for giving us a long, musical goodbye. I know you didn’t have to.

    I came to you late, because you got so many recommends from other people I respect on Blog Amnesty Day. But every single time I read ANYTHING you wrote, I felt my comfort zone and unquestioned assumptions undergo a seismic shift. I may be new to the blogosphere, but I’m not new to the joy of thinking deeply — so I came back to your words over and over, listening as hard as I could and then some.

    When you wrote that you were thinking of not calling yourself a feminist any more, I had come to trust you so much that I (who have been at core a self-defined feminist for almost four decades) lay awake that night, wondering if I should renounce the label as well. Anyone who knows me knows how revolutionary that is.

    I think I’ll keep the name, but I’ll fucking well define it up front every time now. THEY will never own it again.

    And rest assured, I’m awkwardly, insistently bring up what just happened, everywhere I can, and pushing, arguing, taking long breaths and demanding they take another look: I will not give up this territory. We lost academia, mainstream media, and all the depictions of my generations’ revolutions to their Contact-paper “pretty it up” smothering. They won’t steal THIS conversation.

    Your power and voice will surface in other ways, I’m sure. You won’t be able to help yourself. But thank you, thank you, for doing it in a way that sustains you and makes you happy. Only you can do that, and it’s what I/we need most of all.

  196. ate Says:

    Thank you.

  197. » BFP Summarizes of Her Thoughts - By ¡Para Justicia y Libertad! Says:

    […] previously wrote that Brownfemipower have called it quits. However, it seems bfp decided to tie up some loose ends before she takes her undetermined hiatus. It is still unknown when she’ll be back. Maybe […]

  198. Jodie Says:

    we don’t know each other but your post has left me in tears and i have to send much love, hugs, support and respect to you.
    know that there are so many people out there who think the world of you and wish you all the best.

  199. This is Why I Don’t Freewrite: A Freewrite « Off Our Pedestals Says:

    […] like this: I check back here every day, I read any new comments, I scroll back up and read the post again (I don’t know why I do it […]

  200. qgirl Says:

    I am another lurking reader whose life took over for the past month and am now returning to catch up….

    I am so sorry.

    I am so sad.

    I am not interested in feminisms that are not anti-racist.

    I am not interested in feminisms that are heterosexist.

    I am not interested in feminisms that are so rooted in the individualism of capitalism that the genocides on which that system is built – the lives, people and their work it exploits – goes completely unrecognized and ignored and is in the end, in fact supported by those very feminists/isms.

    I am not interested in feminisms that are not centered on the lives, stories, experiences, loves and histories of those of us that live in its margins.

    These are not my feminisms. These are not spaces I can belong.

    And most importantly, feminisms that espouse a belief in ending violence against women but participate in it!?? It is so wrong, it makes me hurt.

    I am a queer white woman: what I am seeing in so many so called feminist spaces is not a feminism that I will support or affiliate myself with.

    BFP I will miss your words. Your work. Your theorizing. Your journalism. Your presence. I wish you all the healing time you need and offer you my support and great appreciation for your work both as it was manifested on your blog and in whatever form it takes from here on out.

  201. Liz Says:

    I always thought my feminism was like everyone else’s, but I figured out it wasn’t when I left the cozy world of academia. I never thought it would be like this, though.

    I’m feeling very disenchanted with the women who symbolize the public face of feminism, not just because they are mostly white, but because they don’t really seem to get it. Feminism, for me, has always included woc, immigrants, etc – but I realize that some people don’t include woc in their feminisms, some on purpose, and others by accident because they think they are included already because race “doesn’t matter” anymore. I mean, DUH, we have a black man running for president! OF COURSE RACE ISN’T AN ISSUE!!!

    I wish that none of this had gone down this way. I work in the field of domestic violence, which means I work with immigrants. I work in an office where we advocate for immigrant women and woc on a daily basis. I’ve always been pro-immigration, but your words, your thoughts, your logic… it connected the dots for me. I knew I was pro-immigration because of the work that I do and the opinions that I hold, but I never could articulate it as well as you.

    You will be missed. I HOPE that this is a reality check. Feminism should be for everybody – and it saddens me that it’s not, and that it’s never going to be that simple.

  202. Kilikina Says:

    Another long time lurker. Thank you for the insight and inspiration you’ve given me. May love and peace follow you.

  203. sabotabby Says:

    I wish you the best, BFP. I miss your blog already—you’re a passionate, knowledgeable voice that the blogosphere needs. I hope to read your words again in one form or another.

  204. fireeyedgirl Says:

    another lurker – just wanted to say that you inspired me tremendously, and you’ll be greatly missed.

  205. Nancy in NYC Says:

    You are loved and missed.

  206. tanglad Says:

    Am so glad I got the chance to say thank you. It was through you that I learned about works like those from Andrea Smith and Lee Maracle. Salamat, maraming salamat.

  207. Gwytherinn Says:

    And yet another lurker here to thank you. Your posts routinely blew me away. You were hugely influential to my thinking and I wouldn’t be the person I am today if not for your blog. It makes me sick that this happened and you are sorely missed. Thank you again, and I wish you well on your future endeavors!

  208. Alas, a blog » Blog Archive » Three Things Says:

    […] I want to express my (equally late) solidarity with brownfemipower who will be missed. It is disgusting the way her names and intentions have been dragged and lied […]

  209. The Hackenblog » Amanda appropriates Says:

    […] BrownFemiPower responds to…something. […]

  210. ouyangdan Says:


    i regret only lurking at your old blog. i learned so much from your writing, and it helped me address my own struggles when dealing w/ the issues facing WOC and POC.

    wherever you go in the future, and whatever you do, i truly hope that the universe sees fit to allow you to keep touching lives.

    thank-you, w/ the deepest respect from the depths of my heart.

  211. elly Says:

    The more I learn about feminism the more I understand racism.
    First off, Brownfemipower, you taught me more than most of my professors at the school I am about to graduate from. I actually am so influenced by you that I could not go up and thank you at WAM because of my nerves. I had unrequited conversations with you (and others) in the blogosphere everyday, so that when in my African American Studies class last week, when the n-word was addressed I, who seldom speak in class, who sits next to the black girls, who digests racism from afar, I spoke. And I wasn’t going to, but this dude (white, male, straight) who I thought actually got it because he opened his mouth most days in class and the words he said came straight outta the textbooks. But he said, “There is a double standard with the n*word,” and asked why he couldn’t use it because he has black friends and they can. Wowza. Well I didn’t even raise my hand and told him many of the things I talk about with you everyday. To let people in the community decide if the word can be reclaimed, that as a white person you should automatically feel uncomfortable around the word because of what it historically means coming from a white mouth, that silencing a community and trying to tell them whats best for them is today’s form of racism at its finest, and then saying you can generalize how a whole race should feel because you h ave three black friends is racism… Needless to say the white kids took notes and I got a standing ovation from the black kids. But why?? After learning about racism for a semester why did I even have to speak, thats what confused me the most. Well this happened before your site was down, so I told that guy after class to read your blog, gave him the site, he thanked me, life went on.
    The thing that hurts me most is the fact that because of your silence, your absence only means that more duchebags like the kid in my class will be able to talk without a rebuttal. I am white and have no idea the sort of silence and discrimination PoC face everyday, I can’t selfishly ask for BFP back into my life just because you were my educator, but I can say that it will be much harder for me to address my own forms of racism and racism in this country without your voice to lead my way.
    The feminist movement is stagnant, maybe depreciating, and it certainly is not going to move anywhere without voices like yours. But how do you educate or change the minds of those who are only in the movement for book deals and higher wages at work? How can we address patriarchy without addressing racism, classism, ableism, homophobia and all other isms and obias that are only multiplying? The more I learn about feminism the more concerned (ok pissed off) I become. What is this movement standing for?? If someone tells me its to make feminism sexy, I am jumping off the boat. I want to hear the words equality more often (and not from just white women). The NGOization of feminism is starting to lead to a malfunctioning movement.
    I wish you the best of luck and hope that you can find comfort in knowing how much you will be missed and how much your words are appreciated.

  212. Pony Says:

    I’m very sorry to learn about this, and entirely stand in solidarity with you.

  213. Ayla Says:

    I just wanted to say that I feel completely unqualified to say much of anything about these issues that you understand on so many higher levels than I do, but that I, as a feminist, always included you in my view of equality and still do. This has been a real wake up call to me in terms of coming to understand that where I saw myself within feminism was a mirage. And now I have to look at it closer to see it in a more realistic way. I will always be a feminist but I’m starting to see that being a feminist means not only fighting for equality within the world at large but also understanding the state of feminism and working to make sure that its focus, both real and perceived, is what it should be and what we all need it to be, true equality.

  214. RainSong Says:


    I am both sad and disheartened at your departure. I wish you wouldn’t go because your experience gives testimony to the shape feminism is in. I don’t think you should stop calling yourself a feminist, I think they should.

    I’ve been a feminist for four decades and there have been times that I’ve thought about giving up. But then I realize that’s exactly what patriarchy wants. The Full Frontal Feminism following is a liberal feminist interpretation of feminism and liberal feminism, the “the anything goes feminism and don’t challenge this society too much”, is what has so weakened feminism over the last forty years. One problem with liberal feminism is that it has little practice and little feminist analysis which brings us home a bit. Any feminist, knows that we live in a sea of racism and sexism. Any white feminist who tells a black feminist “just go out there and sell your book”, is blind to their own white privilege and is selling you down the road. It amounts to “Let them eat cake”. It has to be ever so hurtful for you to bear the brunt of that on your back, especially when they pride themselves so being so aware. Bfp, what has happened is not about you and I feel you know that. It is a spotlight on of the lack of elevation of consciousness of white mainstream liberal feminism today.

    I would plead with you and urge you to stay on and continue your work for it’s good stuff. I would plead with you urge to not to cave to avail yourself to what real and genuine support there is because to need that. Please try to be clear on who will really hear you and support you and those that will just send you nice notes when you close your blog. I’m not saying that for your benefit. I’m saying that to the people who write you notes and are nowhere to be found when you hit bottom.

    I know you’re hurt and angry and you have every right to be. But what’s very clear is that you are a voice and an effective one and I for one would want to you to silence yourself for that’s exactly what both racism and patriarchy wants. There is a real need for you. Care for yourself and heal. When you are whole again from privileged blindness, please come back and do your work, share your insights and what you have learned.

    There is a need for you.

  215. twitterpaters Says:

    I realize now that “feminism” and I stand in direct opposition to each other—that the feminists who aren’t actively working against me and my community are, like Seymour Hersch, few and far between.

    far between, perhaps, given how wide these internets can be, but not few.

    and we’ll be around.

    seeing how bright you shine in your self-imposed darkness, here’s hoping you return as a stronger beacon to readers committed to working against violence and oppression.

    I see what you have written here as a call to recognize how much our common causes bind us together, and that in essence, a sloppy blogger can stir a shitstorm in a passionate and dedicated audience. We thrive if we blend, if we build a better conversation on the internet.

    We show our skills by how well we can bring together a wealth of information for our readers – if we leave out similar and predecessor ideas due to a lack of research that’s a matter of skill and dedication to the craft. Otherwise, it is a matter of ethics.

    I have no point, though. Other than to thank you for writing.

  216. Katie Says:

    BFP? Are you here reading this?

    Please contact me somehow if there ends up being anything I can do to make your life feel calmer and safer. I know I don’t live in the same city as you, so conventional things are out, but please get word out the grapevine to people who’ve offered–like me–if you think of anything.

  217. Priscilla Says:

    I’m a bit late on this, but just wanted to give you my love. My heart breaks for you and I’m pained by the fact that history continues to repeat itself. You’re one of the fiercest WOC bloggers I know, and will be sorely missed.

    En lucha,

  218. Juann Says:

    I’ve never read your blog nor anything by X, in fact it’s a post by Holly at Feministe (april 10th) that made me aware of your existence, having started women studies last fall my thoughts are under construction.deconstruction and it not soon to come to an end.

    But I was wondering WHY wasn’t I able to say proudly “I’M A FEMINIST” ?

    All those text about difference, to and work with them, but in reality … it ain’t there it would be wonderful to say that it’s all about women oppression, it would mean that we were able to work hand in hand but as you said :

    “They are saying the point of feminism is “equality with men” without even thinking to acknowledge that “equality with women” is just as admirable of a goal and maybe even possibly the first step to achieving the goal of equality with men.”

    The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.
    essay “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House”, in Sister Outsider, Audre Lorde

    So thank to you and all those how keep reminding us that to change the way the world is, first it’s within yourself that we must start.

    Take care of yourself

  219. Bob Simpson Says:

    I came very late to your writings as blogging is still very new to me. You have an amazing ability to see through the deceptive bullshit that dims our perceptions of reality and dumbs down our collective intelligence.

    You are one helluva a writer and I’m confident that you will get that larger community of readers and supporters that you deserve.

    I hear people say these days that anyone who isn’t outraged has just not been paying attention.

    You’ve been paying attention, so keep on keepin’ on.

  220. I Would Like to Say « Off Our Pedestals Says:

    […] I would like to say, “You are guaranteed safe passage.” I would like to say, “At the end of this journey, I promise, you will feel it all worthwhile.” I would like to encourage. I would like to say, “I know it’s hard, but you can do it.” But this sounds too much like “JUST DO IT, JUST DO IT, JUST FUCKING DO IT YOU LAZY SPICS.” […]

  221. wellroundedtype2 Says:

    I am so late to this conversation, but I wanted to contribute a few words.
    I received my B.A. in Women’s Studies (now Feminist Studies) at UC Santa Cruz in 1990. I was taught through my courses, that the type of behavior exemplified by the so-called feminists who steal others work and use imagery that any 3-year-old (I have one) could tell is racist is completely unacceptable.
    I’m white, Jewish, fat, nearly 40. I blog about fatness and a little about Jewishness and not nearly enough about whiteness.
    I will not read a book with racist images and stolen content, and thank you for bringing this to light so I don’t add money to anyone’s pockets who doesn’t deserve it.
    Since I found out about your writings too late to read them for free, I would gladly pay to read them in book form.
    I don’t have much time to read these days — online or off — so I’m sure I’m not the first person to suggest this and I’m sorry I haven’t done more research to others who share the following thought, but also think we need to find ways for bloggers to get paid for their words. I’m not feeling I need to be paid for my paltry writing, but for writers who have truly important things to say, their words deserve respect in the form of pay. There are writers whose work I would definitely pay to read, whether online or in a book.

  222. History Enthusiast Says:

    I just now heard about what all has been going on, and this is my first time at your site. I am sad to see that I won’t be able to read your archives, since I am now really curious to learn more about your perspective! I am not a WOC, though I am a woman, and so I can understand some of what you are talking about re: the racist attitudes that prevail in the feminist movement. I try to keep a really open mind about what is going on in the African-American community; I am white, but I study African-American history so I am constantly trying to check myself to make sure that I am not subconsciously letting prejudices seep into my analysis.

    I hope that your break from the blogosphere leaves you feeling refreshed, and I’m so sorry that things turned ugly.

  223. AngstGirl Says:

    It can’t be said enough, you were a real inspiration and we’re all poorer for having lost your writings. Thank you for fighting as long as you could

  224. louise Says:

    Yet another passer-by via another’s link… but I’ve been moved by your words for a long time on commonly visited terrain. Thank you, bfp, for helping me learn. Peace…

  225. Yet another blog. « Privilege Praxis Says:

    […] coming out, heterosexuality, whiteness — quiteneil @ 10:25 pm Hello.  In light of BFP ending her blog, and the scandal surrounding Seal Press/appropriation of ideas, (all of which is […]

  226. los anjalis » “Feminism”, jungles, and racist imagery Says:

    […] — this one’s important — Brownfemipower’s response to all the controversy: “Some Context”. An excerpt: No, actually, I know I’m brownfemipower and I want to end violence against women. […]

  227. dixmarie Says:

    thank you. your honesty is beautiful.

  228. It’s been a very bad few weeks for revolutionary feminism « High On Rebellion Says:

    […] 28, 2008 BFP has made a final statement – read it here.  And I feel I owe BFP an apology since I focused too much on the specific issue between her and […]

  229. race against time « drink me Says:

    […] a rift between white and black feminists online on at least two levels – in substance, as blogger BFP describes, and then in illustration choices. She apologized, at least for the second offense, but even from […]

  230. White Feminism « Feminist Philosophers Says:

    […] against Marcotte). For a list of relevant posts, go here. For brownfemipower’s last post go here. For Blackamazon’s final post go here. Confession: I have not had the time to read all of […]

  231. Farewell, BFP and Blackamazon « The Token Feminist Says:

    […] 28, 2008 in Uncategorized Brownfemipower has stopped blogging. So has blackamazon. I just thought I’d fill you […]

  232. DaMav Says:

    Why not blame global warming?

    This is the funniest tempest in a very tiny teapot I have ever stumbled across on the internet. If people here had any interest at all in stopping violence against women they would be pushing to end the oppressive reign of terror by Islam on women and cheering for the defeat of al Sadr. Instead you are so wrapped up in your egos and ‘feelings’ that you prefer to fight over who wrote what, when, and who got credit for it. Truly talented people don’t fight over crumbs because they don’t need to. And visionaries learn to look beyond the tip of their own nose.

  233. p Says:

    much love.

  234. What’s a white woman to say? « In a strange land Says:

    […] under the strength of these two issues. BFP took down her blog and gave up blogging altogether (farewell post), and other WoC were at least unhappy, and in some cases renouncing feminism. The overall point was […]

  235. Zach Says:

    I’ve been unable to keep up with these recent events with the comprehensiveness and currency I’d like, but I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your blogging, BFP, and for the uncontainable amount I’ve learned from the community/network you’ve fostered here and that connects to your work in various ways. The words of WOC in the blogosphere have reached some ears that may otherwise have taken longer to hear them. Best of luck in all that you do.

  236. EdgeWise Says:

    I am so sad. I loved your writing. I wanted my daughter to read it. It often hurts me and makes me better when I read your words.

  237. A New Kind of Anti « Pregnant Drug-Dealing Prostitutes Says:

    […] Right in the back of my skull, too; like a coward so I had no chance of defending myself. Perhaps Brownfemipower can vouch for me on this one, right […]

  238. Shanikka Says:

    I’ve been out of the country for several weeks and focused on digging out work wise since my return so it is only now that I am learning of what occurred with the cooptation of your ideas and this post. I am one of the many silent fans of your work. And I am sorry; this is like BlackAdemic to me all over again, even as the diss was indirect, rather than direct, to all the hard work you’ve put in. I hope you find peace – I know for me, I found it in the term “womanist.”

    Peace to you.

  239. spacedcowgirl Says:

    I wanted to add my voice to all those saying thank you for all the work you did with your blog. I’ll leave it at that because I was apathetic and missed much of your writing while it was available, and now it’s gone–I will echo Alexis and say that I too “thought deeply and tried to let myself be changed by your words,” those of your words that I did read. I am so sorry for the chain of events that caused you to close your site, but I hope you accomplish all you are determined to in your activism as you pursue it via other avenues and through other movements.

  240. FoolishOwl Says:

    I hadn’t been following blogs for some time; I hadn’t realized what this had been about.

    And, I had forgotten how damned brilliant bfp is.

    The bastards always try to bring down anything faintly progressive before it gets anywhere. BFP, I’m sure you’ll find a better way, and I hope to meet you on it.

  241. To think about « Girly Thoughts Says:

    […] think about Filed under: Gender, Race, what they said — judgesnineteen @ 7:32 pm What BrownFemiPower said, via Jaded […]

  242. Liminal states » Allies in the blogosphere: suggestions and reading (draft in progress) Says:

    […] the usual excuses are not good enough”. As the month of April went on, though, with brownfemipower’s and Blackamazon’s final statements, other women rejecting the term “feminism”, […]

  243. Feminism, racism and bfp « bird of paradox Says:

    […] […]

  244. joe Says:

    hilarious stuff. so radicalized, so hateful, so angry.

  245. Wednesday Linkblogging 07/05/08 « (Liminal) Spaces Says:

    […] BFP’s Final Post BFP provides some context to her departure of the blogosphere in the midst of the appropriation and racist-feminism debacle. A powerful and insightful piece. […]

  246. Martha Says:

    I’m going to make a few points even though I know this is probably a stale topic. (I just found out about it from Wikipeida.)
    1) BFP (first time visiting, glad it’s back up) was at best appropriated. That’s not fair.
    2) I don’t see it strictly as a woman of color issue. (I’m African-American.) The reason why is I know too many other women who are White and get ripped off in the same ways.
    3) I see it as a ‘status’ issue and recognize that Whites hold more status. But I have seen this over and over. I think of ____ and how she regularly points out things, writes on topics, only to be ripped off. There was FAIR and Darh Jamail (a White colonialist) ‘discovering’ in May a bad article in The New York Times and making criticism of it that C.I. had made back in April when it ran. There were many other examples. And when you call them out, they play dumb. “Oh, I didn’t know about that.” Even when they knew, even when they copied word for word.
    4) Dahr Jamail is in America. Ali al-Fadhily is in Iraq. This goes to appropriation so stay with me. IPS publishes articles from Iraq. They give both men the byline. Why? Ali al-Fadhily has had work (in English) credited to him. Why is Jamail claiming credit for half of Ali’s work when Ali’s the only one in Iraq and these are reports from Iraq? Again, I would say it is “status” as much as a color issue.
    5) For the female blogger who appropriated the work BFP had long done, crediting would have lowered her “status.” She wouldn’t have been the ‘pretty blonde’ White woman who thinks. She couldn’t credit because to do so would admit that there are a lot of bloggers who are NOT getting credit that should be and she’s about maintaining the system in place which benefits her.
    6) I can name 4 female bloggers who are White that ‘pretty blonde’ has also ripped off so that’s why I say it is ‘status.’ She looks ‘better’ by keeping other women down.
    7) I’m bookmarking BFP and will be visiting regularly.
    8) Theft is theft and long after ‘pretty blonde’ thinks it’s over, it will still be an issue.

  247. QNSFNST Says:

    I’m a little confused. But BFP, you rock and voice a lot of the thoughts of I’m sure thousands of “women of color” de todo color who toil and sweat and tear for social movements galore, but don’t have the energy, space, time or empowerment to fight the fight. en lucha y pa’lante

  248. Sonia Says:


    I stopped blogging around the time the whole controversy happened, and i never read this last post until today. What you’ve said makes complete sense and this post has caused me to change my mind about quite a few things. Thank you for writing it, putting it up and leaving it.


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